The Challenging Leviathan

Vol. 2 – Chapter 39 - The Challenging Leviathan


The results of the Guild War between Leviathan and Blackdawn instantly created a sensation on the forums and even specialized news outlets who reported and aired the recordings some players took, selling it later to the TV stations and outlets.

The name Leviathan, as simple as it was, with multiple meanings began introducing itself in the minds of the public thanks to Red, Evan, and Lane's performance, which mesmerized the wide public. Even the Blackdawn managed to make a good impression with the resilience and relentless attitude against the Leviathans, along with showing some sportsmanship in how the guild leader of the Blackdawns proceeded to die, in, dignity.

At first Mathias didn't think much about what Red told him, and only wished him good luck in his sarcastic way, but then after 7 minutes, while he was on his way toward Titan, inside Empar Forest, he spotted in place while his surroundings were full of tall trees, a notification welcomed his sight, confusing him on what happened.

[Your guild has received 20.000 EXP and 10.000 Guild Reputation Points.]

'What's this EXP and Reputation? Was this part of what Red fought for that Guild War?'

'Don't tell me he did something crazy again and messed with the guild by placing money on some gambling?' thought Mathias, starting to place the puzzle pieces in his mind, before he opened the guild interface, where he saw its EXP and reputation rise up, getting closer to leveling up.


[Guild Name: Leviathan]

Level: 1 (25.175/100.000)

Reputation: 28.425

Master: Mathias

Number of Members: 9/30

Affiliation: None

Alliances: None

Hostile Relationships: None

Inclination: Neutral

Territory: None


'Indeed, it has grown. Interesting way of getting EXP and reputation points to raise the level of the guild, but then again, I have no clue what benefits I would gain if I steer the guild in an alerted way of raising the reputation.'

'Guild Wars, hah? Who could have thought doing a fun activity would get you such rewards. This could be a way to raise the reputation and experience of the guild itself by taking on such Guild Wars with different people. Ahh, this sounds so degenerate, fighting All-In with all the reputation points and EXP for your guild.'


"Something happened, Mathias?" asked Vek who was next by, looking vigilantly around himself, still not able to get used to the new environment.

"No, I just thought of something. Look around yourself and explore this zone, this is Empar Forest. I will stop for a brief moment, go have your fun."

"Can I go look around the Forest?"

"Obviously, aren't you going for an adventure? If you stick around with me all the time, you might not encounter those adventures since I took a clear path of the forest."

Vek agreed without delay, taking his dagger from the sheath his friends gave him, before going inside the forest to look around for beasts, plants, or any surprise.

Vivian asked Mathias what happened, but before he could respond it was Paula who commented feeling slightly awkward for knowing this answer.

"Red is fighting against Fuseblade, or so he told me."

Mathias nodded his head and told the girls the fight was over, and as he was doing that, his guild chat was flooded by the other members commenting about what Red and the others did.

@Malakai: Goddamn it, I am flooded with whispers from all different people wanting to join the guild. What's going on?

@Maple Mist: Same, did some bug happen? Big brother, have you done something? An advertisement?

@Orpheus: Yes man, I never in my life experienced such a flood of messages from different people.

@Malakai: What's more, I got spotted by the players in Moroiz City and they started chasing after me like crazed people. Someone tell me what happened!

@Leona: Mathias, I have the same problem.

Hearing their confusion, he too was spellbound by this feeling, and he just explained to them about how Red initiated a Guild War against another guild with Evan and Lane, and afterwards how the guild gained EXP and Reputation Points, which instantly made Vlad remark in a sharp manner.

@Malakai: Could it be that idiot did something extra that he shouldn't? Louis, quickly go check the internet and tell if there are articles about our guild.


Maple Mist, or what Vlad used to call him by his given name, was currently in a hunting ground in Gelder Territory with his body being covered by a small magical shield that had the element of wind. (A/N: That's Duke Rigals Family Name, you might ask who is Rigal? It is the Archer riding the Archgryphon and blasting people with his Archery as if he was some sniper with a big caliber sniper rifle)

Before he could even stop in place to process the new event that happened in the guild, he glanced at a group of small impish-like creatures, called Edemps and Graesps that give chase to him, holding in hands bloody clubs, and wearing some rags.

"Hey, can't you give me a break? My friends need my help with something." Remarked Maple Mist, feeling frustrated by the high number of monsters in the Gelder Region of the Saharan Empire.

'[Gust of Sylph's]'

From his hands a strong gust of wind that looked like a air cannon blew toward the group of level 25 monster that were cashing him like crazy.

Maple Mist did a substantial hit to the monsters but his resources also suffered along the way, and out of ordinary for this young-looking mage, a one-handed sword appeared from nowhere, before he dashed toward the wounded monsters.

Using another spell on himself, Louis appeared before the monsters, and with a slash of the sword, he cleaved the limbs of two targets. At the same time, the pressure around him changed, winds started appearing from nowhere, surrounding Louis, and with his hand extended he called out with his young still immature voice, sounding serious.

"[Piercing Wind Needle]"

The winds turned into condensed needles that pierced the monsters, pushing them slightly more, starting to gather mana for his last spell before ending this annoying chase of the Edemps and Graesps. Along this process, the monsters connected some hits that bypassed the Wind Shield.

"[Sylph's Breath]"

A strong magic attack that seemed to be Louis Ultimate Spell he learned in this new journey of his, blasted the group of monsters that give him chase, instantly earning the reward of six monsters.

'Hah, damned Graesps, if Lady Gisselle wasn't bothered by those monsters that disturbed the Forest Peace, I wouldn't be bothered with them. Still, I have to continue hunting them, and clear the quest Gisselle gave me, or she will punish me.'

Stopping his quest progression, he looked around himself for any possible enemies still after him, and only after he saw it was clear, he dashed out from the kill spot, turning himself into a safer location inside the Forest, climbing a large tree, reaching the level of a four-story-high building.

It was unknown why Louis choose to be so safe, but the way he proceeded to search for a safe spot was similar to Mathias. Thus in the tree's safety, accompanied by the gust of winds, he opened the browser and began searching for what Vlad implied.

Maple Mist typed simply the keyword "Leviathan" and his browser was already filled with results, along with videos.

"Could it be? Is it as Vlad mentioned?"

Accessing the videos at first, he saw Red who he met along with two guys he never met before, fighting against a group of 6 guys belonging to the Blackdawn Guild. The fight was quick-paced, with intense moments, with most of the Blackdawn players focusing on Lane who acted more like a Tank for the group, where Red and Evan started clearing them out one by one.

The video was taken from the sideline and certain small details were not picked accurately, but Maple Mist had formed in the period of time he played the Beta Phase and even the Live Phase a sharp eye for those details and could see for the first time how strong was Red compared to the people who participated in the Beta Phase 'Guild Wars Tournament'.

Yet what stuck the most for Maple Mist was the end speech Red gave to the audience, which made him get panic-stricken, as if something bad was about to happen to him.

"I have to tell the others this. So this is why he logged out with those two."

Quickly ending his search, and returning his attention to the game, Maple Mist began telling in the guild chat what he found out, which made all the guild members give different reactions.

@Malakai: That crazy person. Matei, what person have you brought in the guild? I'll not be fighting anytime soon since my class got to Rare grade when I awakened the Shadow Breath. I will fight people when my class is raised to Epic.

@Leona: I only arrived at the Judar Cathedral and have to meet the Pope. I can't participate in any fights.

@Orpheus: I am done for some PvP if the rewards are up to the hassle.

@Ape Wine: I can't wait to see what the other players got hidden under their sleeves.

@Mathias: Take it, easy guys, those three who dig this hole will be responsible for those fights and only if the number isn't even we'll see what we can do about it. Tsk, this is too much publicity which I don't want to deal with, so you better don't tell anyone I am the guild master. The future members of the guild only add your friends or those you see trustworthy.

@Mathias: There's no reason to stress about it, such news will die down if we lay low if we want that, but with Red personality, we could only wish.

Dispersing the tension in the guild, he returned his attention back to the Empar Forest, where he saw Vivian and Paula seem to be absent-minded, as if they were watching something on their browsing interface. Thus, he waited calmly, watching the two girls that it made Haycien remark in a perverted tone.

{They aren't bad at all, especially that Vivian doll.}

'You started again?'

{What kid? What? Can't I enjoy some beautiful flowers after being stuck for hundreds of years inside a tree?}

'Have I specified you can't? I doubt, however, don't bring those remarks, it makes me embarrassed of myself or better said, of you.'

{Come on son, I am not really that perverted. I only had three wives, so give me a break. I didn't even take concubines, and remained loyal to my wifes. Right, do you have a partner? While I was trapped inside the mountain, I could feel that there was a girl in my bloodline. Want this old man to pull some string for you? I tell you lad, even if my bloodline has been washed by the time, my descendants can't be ugly.}

'Ahem, I have my soul partners, so I will pass on your offer. Nevertheless, you will meet them, so don't annoy me with questions.'

{Ohh, I didn't expect this. You seem like a quiet kid.}

Mathias didn't comment on the old ghost remark and gave some benefits to Haycien with his gaze focused on the two girls who minutes later returned to the game, and noticed his gaze.

"What are you looking at?"

"Your faces. So, what were you absent-minded for?"

"I got some messages from my friends about the buzz happening in the forums, so I went out to take a peek. Your Red sure has some screws loose to take on the Blackdawn's like that. Three vs Six, and he still won in a decisive fashion. He even challenged the entire Guilds to fight against your Leviathans.

Still continuing Vivian began listing the guilds he saw taking off in the forums and in the game, making Mathias face turn blank from his smiling and easy going face, a shift even the huntress noticed.

"You have the Snake Guild led by Zibal, one of the top players of LTS who joined Satisfy, there's also Hao, a mysterious person whose guild is called Hades, having a strong following in the forums, mostly formed by Chinese people who spam a lot inside the forums. Ice Flower Guild led by Bodre, another top player of the LTS era, Yak Guild led by Bubat, Zeraph Guild led by Ralph and lastly from what I remember, Giant Guild led by Chris, and Tzedakah Guild led by Jishuka.

"Ohh, and do not forget the Beta Phase giants, From the Stoned Ones to Bacon, Sofa Kings, and Smurfs."

Mathias didn't respond to Vivian, which made the woman believe her words upset him, but she was wrong, instead, the latter was contemplating on all the names he heard, and with Vek being close to them, seeming to finish his exploration, he remarked.

"Your analytical skills are good. Are you by chance in a prestigious University?"

"Those are personal details, who I'll rather not discuss."

"I see. By the way, should I add you in the mix of players and guilds who will want my head along with my guild's fictive crown?"

Hearing Mathias's remark, Vivian looked at Paula who shrugged her shoulders, which made her ponder for a bit, and as they took off after Vek returned, she told Mathias in a calm but cheeky tone.

"Wouldn't it be an overkill if I would also target your small puddle fish? Especially when I know who the mysterious guild leader of that guild is? What should I do? Target you like a hunter does his prey or keep the friendly relations."

Mathias chuckled, mentioning in a friendly way.

"Even if you would target me for PvP or Guild Wars, I wouldn't take it as a personal attack. This is just an aspect of competing against one another to find who is the best, and that's how it should be."

We can still be friends at the end of the day and if you need my help with Raids, I can place my muscles to work."


[A/N: There are two more chapters until the reunion so buckle up, we are about to arrive at Titan and later like drunkards return home.]

[This chapter is a setting for the future players that will make their appearance known in my story.]


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