Vol. 2 – Chapter 76 -  Enroll the Black Knights

Vol. 2 – Chapter 76 - Enroll the Black Knights




"Is none of them?"

"No. Someone important is looking for you." confessed Mercedes, in a serious way, after taking a sip from the tea.

{ I said it was that guy who you sent one week ago the book, but instead, you incriminate yourself overall sort of things you did. Stop talking out loud, and keep it here if you want to discuss with me.}

'Take it easy, old Hay. No need to scream, since I am just playing with her. Still, I didn't expect Juander to get to the book and read it already, and even react in such a way that he sent someone to look for me. I have some information about her, First Knight, Mercedes. A strong beauty, that could charm anyone with her looks, but also crush any fool dumb enough to approach her and touch her body.'

{You are playing those weird games of yours again? When will you get tired of it?}

'Hey, leave me alone. Jeanne's work shift will be over in one hour or more, so I'll make use of all my time.'


"Someone important? How important is it? That important?" played Mathias around while he was swirling some of the red liquid in his glass.

"You know what you have done, do you really have me to say his name?"

"Aha, so it was Uncle Juander."

Mercedes' expression crumbled as he failed to finish her bite of the steak, glancing at Mathias as if he had eaten something rotten, and to make sure she heard right, she asked shortly.


"Well, taking in account his age, he should be in that range of seniority, but besides, what is your relation to Juander that he sent you to get me?"

"I am the First Knight, His Majesty trusts my abilities to find you." replied Mercedes in a stoic way, and afterwards she stared back at Mathias with her golden eyes, starting to use her abilities to peer into his skills.

[Mercedes's Keen Eyes have started peering into your self]

[The process of capturing your information has initialized]

[The Chaos will shield yourself from the peering eyes]

Getting such notifications from the system, it made Mathias's calm expression to turn frosty, and Mercedes could notice the change around Mathias, and with him muttering something she couldn't understand, a dark-purple energy eye appeared on his forehead, and before she knew she got a general understanding of Mathias abilities, but this time, for some reason her ability didn't work so well on Mathias.

It reminded her of the times she tried to check on Juander, Piaro, and one of the emperor's visitors, the middle-aged scholar that was never introduced to her when she and Piaro had the chance of meeting.

"Who are you?"

"Hah, why are girls nowadays so pushy? I am really taken aback to see a woman get pushy with me. What else you might even be the jealous type, that's a no, no for me."

"What are you even mumbling around? I only asked you a straightforward question." said Mercedes, finding some of Mathias' antics slightly irritating.

"I am Mathias. Didn't you already know that?" responded Mathias, not really caring if Mercedes liked him or not, since he also didn't like allowing people knowing about his secrets, otherwise how would they be called secrets if all sort of random people would be able to see into his techniques and spells.

"We'll not get anywhere in this manner. Fine, I'll give it from myself. His Majesty for whatever reason that he didn't disclose to me wants to meet you."

"I see, but there's a small problem, lady Mercedes. My schedule is too full and can't meet His Majesty."

"... His Majesty didn't order me to take you by force, but instead find you. I will make sure to tell him about this."

"Ohh, but if I want to make myself disappear I can always achieve that. You'll not be able to fulfill your mission."

"Tsk, I feel you want something from me."

"Hehe, has anyone told you? You are quite mature for your age."

"And you are very strange." replied Mercedes in the same style, making Mathias chuckle, reverting back to his easy-going attitude.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"It wasn't a compliment."

"Listen, lady Mercedes, I will be frank with you, I have one goal in mind that might need extra work and connections and be a really long way for someone like me who doesn't know people in high places, like a dad who has the title of Duke, or Count, you have the idea. This order that berates a lot of prestige, the Red Knights, I want to become one of them, of you."

"No way, there is a strict way of selecting the future Red Knights and even if I am the First Knight, there is a screening group formed by 4 of the strongest Red Knights, from the top 10 who will partake in the challenge, and that too is only once in a year. I can't help you with what you want." explained Mercedes using her serious voice that still contained some adolescent tone to it, clearly she was just a young girl.

Hearing that, Mathias began tapping on the table, focusing mostly on the wine in his glass, seeming to contemplate, and with a nod from his head, coming from nowhere, Mercedes listened to him saying.

"If you help me become a Red Knight, I will make sure to meet Juander without hiding, and put some good words for the Red Knights, but with the single condition, you help me become one. Strictly speaking, I don't care about how ruthless the challenge of becoming a Red Knight is, without having the luck of being born a noble."

Mercedes still got a bit upset by what Mathias commented, at the end, as if she had used the political power of her family to reach the stage she was, rather than herself sacrificing a lot, and she made sure to tell him what was on her mind which made him smile as if he was really strange, and without being able to guess what he was thinking.

"Mister, I think you have something wrong about us, the Red Knights. Every single member of the Red Knights has been selected using the challenge system, and that too after climbing the ladder from being a Black Knight and only after being eligible to take the challenge would one have the chance of getting promoted.

Some members of the Red Knight might have a noble birth, but there are also those of common birth, or peasant birth who never benefited of those "privileges" you speak."

"I see. It seems my early comment got you upset, my bad. However, it was intended to draw out such remarks, to make sure I wasn't joining just some infested swamp, filled with corruption, and unable to climb the ladder. Here, take some wine so I can make up for getting you startled." mentioned Mathias, in a calm, friendly way, which really conflicted Mercedes without being able to make up her mind on what to think about Mathias.

"No thanks, I don't drink alcohol. I am only 15 years old."

"You don't look like it, I would give you maybe 18-19 years old." remarked Mathias casually taking a sip of wine, waiting for Mercedes' response after he explained to him his reasons.

It took some time for the young knight to give him an answer, but the fact that it took a while for Mercedes to respond was a good sign, giving him a lead that there was a way for her to help him out, and kickstart his early Red Knight career.

"If you promise me you will meet with His Majesty, I will help you by recommending you to become a Black Knight. However, I got a question, and please answer me seriously. Why do you want to become a Red Knight?"



"Hah, fine, lying isn't something I enjoy doing, so I'll be honest with you little Mercedes, I want to become a noble. This is my goal. The only way an outlander like me can become a noble of the Saharan Empire is by becoming a Red Knight, and achieving a triumph."

"This is your reason for wanting to become a Red Knight? To become a noble? Not for protecting, the Empire from the enemy, or protecting the Emperor?" asked Mercedes, who looked perplexed, she could feel that Mathias was serious and genuine, without playing her with his words, something she kind of liked, when he was direct with her.

"Hahaha, I might protect the Empire, but the Emperor or the Royal House? They are not my concern, but if duty calls and I am tasked with watching over their protection, I will try my best. I guess."

"You guess?"

"Little Mercedes, sometimes you can visualize things in your mind, but knowing certain outcomes of those visualizations can become challenging. There are too many variables to such tasks, as such I usually don't get myself concerned and focus on the simple goals."

"Understood, and please, don't call me little."

"So, how will it be, Mercedes? You help me, I help you. A fair deal, one would call."

Mercedes whose golden eyes watched Mathias ruby eyes that she had a hint about something Mathias didn't want to talk, from how he casually talked about Juander, as if he knew him already, she slowly released her smile, which was quite a sight to be seen for Mathias.

"I will help you only because of the tea and the cake, but not the cheap one, the first one. It was delicious."

[Affinity with First Knight Mercedes has been increased by 10 points]

"My pleasure." said Mathias who took his chaperone off his head, revealing his long hair that he loosely tied down, something that Mercedes took the chance to observe with her keen-eyes in full.

It was a hair color she had never seen on a person, only on a rare occasion inside the Royal Palace that she saw some people with the exact type of color Mathias had, however all of those people were on paintings.

'Wait a minute, the Royal Palace? The ruby eyes? My mind must be playing jests on me, there's no way an outsider can be someone like them.' thought Mercedes, without probing to confirm her thoughts, finding that she would burn all the bridges she built with Mathias since getting to dine with him.

Clearing her mind of that thought, keeping it only to herself, she patted her dress for some pockets, as if she was wearing her casual clothes, but failed miserably to find her pockets.

"Ahh, I don't have my bag to give you the medallion as my recommendation for the Black Knight enrolment."

"No need to stress yourself. It is fine. Right, does a written recommendation also work?"

"Obviously, that would work."

"Then you really have no reason to be upset. Watch."

Ending saying that, Mathias took from his inventory a sheet of paper, along with his quill and inkwell, like a veritable parlor magician, with Mercedes seeing for the first time, a player taking from his inventory an item.

"Wow, this is the unique ability of you outlanders? Correct?"

"You can call it that. There you go, whenever you feel like writing it."

Mercedes didn't wait for long as she began writing something akin to a recommendation letter that could be of use to Mathias, and as she ended that, returning the sheet of paper and writing equipment, another notification rang, alerting him of another random thing it kept buzzing. However, when he checked the contents of the notification he found that it was a quest.


[Enroll the Black Knights]

Difficulty: A-S

After you managed to acquire the assistance of the First Knight Mercedes, who extended her recommendation for you, will now be able to participate in the challenge the Knights trying to become Black Knights would have to partake in.

The enrollment, with different intervals, will be available in spring and summer.

Quest Clear Conditions: Turn in the recommendation letter to the enrollment supervisor, at the location Mercedes has told you.




'A location? Wait a minute she didn't mention any location.'

"Ahem, sorry to ask, but where was the location where the enrollment happens? Either I am the one who forgot since I turn senile at times, or you didn't mention."

Her cheeks turned a bit rosy, but clearly, Mathias was someone not to point fingers at people, and Mercedes swiftly revised her mistake.

"It will be at the Knights Garrison, all spring and summertime, and if you want to ask me why there's such a big window? Well, that is because most people can't even pass the challenge of becoming a Black Knight. So we aren't stressing about having extra manpower."

"Much appreciated, Mercedes. Wasn't it nice if we started this conversation like this from the get-go, straightforward?"

"It is your fault, you always talked about random things that I didn't ask about. I just wanted to confirm your identity, and finish my mission."

"You have found your target. Also, you can relax, I'll not renegade on my given word. Since to be honest, regardless of what I did to avoid him, our path would have met and I'd better get things straight from the start."

"Hah, I don't know what to think. You either look down on His Majesty or you are crazy."

"A bit of both. But let's not talk about those dull subjects. Let's have a fun talk, should I also buy you another cake?"

"Sure, if you want to, but I don't have any money with me."

"This letter is worth more than some cakes, and besides I did invite you to eat at my own cost.

Later after getting her confirmation, Mathias asked for the waiter assistance again, ordering another cake that found interesting in the menu they gave him.

Taking their time to bake it, Mathias started having some fun with Mercedes, and derail their conversation to something easier to digest, from questions about herself and what she liked to do in her spare time, to things she wanted to complete in her life, and especially one that he asked in a playful manner.

"Tell me more about you Mercedes, how come you have become a Red Knight at such a young age? I would have expected girls your age would still be playing around in their estates or going to school, instead of picking up a cold weapon."

"Because of different circumstances, my father has sent me to become someone's apprentice and learn the craft from him. Since I was 10 year years old, I have rarely left to visit my family at home. However,

I don't regret anything, the Head Teacher was like a father figure for me." mentioned Mercedes, as she began thinking about Piaro that she viewed like a father figure, it made her lips tremble a bit, filling her with emotions.

"It is fine, I don't need you to be so detailed, and bring out memories you don't want to share with others, especially a stranger."

"What about you, Mathias, you always ask me about me, but I don't know anything about you."

"That is because I am picky about who I am opening about. However, I like you, so I will tell you some things about me, but if you touch certain subjects I don't want to talk, I'll straight refuse to discuss and entertain your questions. Go ahead, what do you want to know about me?

When Mercedes heard that Mathias liked her, she turned a bit embarrassed but recollected herself, and asked him something casual brought from her curiosity.

"You are an outlander, correct? But why do I have the feeling you aren't like them? From the reports I have read about the outlanders that committed crimes in the Empire, I had the impression your people don't care about our customs and rules."

"I see, don't keep the impression that most of us are bad guys that came to ravage your homes, that's really not the case. Instead, we are people just like you, who want to have a good time regardless of what we are doing, adventuring in this vast world or living together with you. For example, I will share something with you, so you better keep it a secret, okay?" ended Mathias while smiling at her in a warm way.

"I am good at keeping secrets." replied shortly after Mercedes, curious to hear what Mathias wanted to share with her.

"I am building something inside Titan, that would contribute at the well-being of many people."

"Building something? Ahh, the mumblings you said, the Stonemason's of Cleef I heard about them from my colleagues. They are building a large mansion for some noble that could be a high noble. That is, you?

The nobleman who helped the people that were starving?" asked Mercedes who started connecting the dots from all the information she managed to gather about the nobleman who made his presence known when he started giving food rations to the needy inside the Wallmort District and the neighboring districts.


Mathias, after laughing a bit, suddenly turned serious and remarked with an expression that showed that he was slightly saddened when thinking about the poor people who struggled to feed themselves and their families in this period of time where everything is shut down.

"I did what I could to ease their situation, but I am still lacking the abilities to take them from that swamp.

A Noble would have the capabilities to help them, but clearly, their priorities are elsewhere, no pun intended Mercedes, you are still a little girl regardless of how much bravado you want to tell me, about how you could beat me."

Pouting a bit at what he said in the end, Mercedes followed by bowing her head a bit in front of Mathias who was taken aback.

"Thank you for helping those people. I am ashamed to say, but the ones responsible for offering assistance to those people don't even consider the people of the Lower City as full-fledged citizens."

"Yea, I could tell that without someone explaining to me, the administrative body is brimming with corruption. You have probably experienced that the most as a Red Knight."

Mercedes only nodded her head, and resumed eating her cake, while Mathias started talking about his Workshop and how it will bring a new light to the Lower City, by giving the chance to the people to work for a loaf of bread, instead of begging for one.

Slowly she could see Mathias change in the way he was speaking, no longer joking around with her, especially when he was talking about himself, similar to a prestigious noble who had a dignified bearing about himself.

"And this is some interesting things about me. Hope I didn't bore you with all those things."

"Not at all. Being the first one to learn the identity of the mysterious nobleman, and knowing you aren't some hypocritical charlatan that takes advantage of weaker people, or being greedy, it eases my mind. If you become a Red Knight, I hope we work together to change the Empire."

"That's really cute, but the Red Knight is still just a pawn for the ones in power. There needs more authority if one wants to change something here."

"Authority such as?"

"Having the support of a Royal."

Mercedes looked up, and could see that Mathias looked calmly at her, with serene eyes, and she immediately avoided his glance, focusing on the cake.

'A royalty … They will never be bothered to even talk with me about the wrong things I see. Their focus is somewhere else, and I don't understand why they don't see those obvious wrongdoings.'




[Your thoughts about this chapter?]

[I also bring forth news, the tiers for the p@treon have been upgraded. First-tier can receive 4 chapters, 2nd tier 6, and 3rd tier 10 chapters. So if you want to read ahead of others and are a connoisseur of spoilers, you know where you access for more, link in synopsis]