Chapter 142 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 7

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Chapter 142 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 7


In the distance, Fayrene was sweating a bit, which made Vek confused not understanding why she would be nervous, and thinking she was afraid of the players, he started eavesdropping on their conversation to the best of his abilities.

'I've done it, Mat. I could talk as equals with those strangers without them suspecting a single thing about me.'

'No, I have to keep improving myself until I am as confident as possible.'

Continuing on their journey toward the spot told by Fang, Vek who was eavesdropping on the Guild's conversation told Fayrene about what those guys were still talking about after they passed.

"Mistress, those guys seem to talk about your butt, face, and chest. They act like those people from the Tavern who are drunk and see a human girl."

"Wait, what? No way, are those guys some perverts?"

Hearing that comment from Vek in regard to the players, made her place her hands on her butt, and from her view the cape was thick enough to veil most of her body, covering her assets from the perverts prying eyes, and the sight of her attempting to cover her blessed body was rather amusing.

"How is it now, Vek? Can you see something?"

"Mhm, it's quite big, Mistress. Also the chest, it can be seen even from the cape as it sticks out."

"..." her face turned embarrassed, and trying again to sort out her clothes and pull on them to cover her butt and bosom, she asked him again.

"... Did they really say that?"

"Yeah. To be honest, I don't understand why they would be so drawn to those zones since it's only fat. Not so appealing to me knowing it is only fat. I like meat."

"Fat? Don't tell me I've gained weight staying at home? But Mathias didn't say a single thing about my weight and always loves to play with them." mentioned Fayrene as she looked down at her bosom, clearly referring to her chest in regard to Mathias.

"Mistress, I still struggle to understand human culture and those small details. By human standards, you are okay compared to the human girls I've seen when accompanying Lord Mathias."

"Wait? Did he take you to some brothel?"

Fayrene's calm expression once again crumbled a bit when Vek told her what he thought about her and indirectly spilled some beans with regard to women in his exploration with Mathias.

"The place where a lot of human girls can procreate with human males? He only told me about the place in the passing, not taking me there. He told me he knew about that place from a friend of his, but that he never had the chance to go there since he doesn't feel like it."

"Maybe because of you, Mistress. You are doing a great job in keeping the Lord pleased. Besides, I could hear quite often how you were fighting against one another."

Fayrene's face turned rosy from embarrassment, especially when someone who lived in the same roof could hear how she was doing love to Mathias on an offen basis.

'That jerk, he specifically told me, he would have Vek out of the house when we would make love.'

"You were outside when that would happen, right?"

"Mhm, as per Lord's instructions. But my hearing is stronger than your humans, so those cat's screams inside the house couldn't fly by me without being noticed. But don't worry, Lord Mathias explained to me what was happening. He is trying his best to make a son and a daughter."

"You two talk often about those things? Has he ever told you what he thinks about me?"

"At times, when we are tired. He talks about how bright your future will be, and how he will do everything in his power to fulfill your dreams, supporting you from the shadows. Also, he told me constantly that if I am to continue being his disciple, to always protect you when he will be away on his journey. Especially when he will become a Knight."

What she heard from Vek, filled her heart with butterflies when even the first "Disciple" he took in was taught from early about the importance of protecting the "Mistress" as this loyal kobold kept on calling her.

In those moments of embarrassment, she only wanted to find the tavern, and spend the night there instead of being like that group of 5 that even now at night, hunted the forest beasts.

After a couple of minutes, some placards got into her sight that welcomed her.

[Silverpine Logmall Tavern]

It was a sigh of relief that she found the tavern, and reading the placard, she gained the location of the tavern, by pointing in the good direction, just like what Fang told her. Besides the location, her Map was also updated with the new location, filling in the Silverpine Tavern on the large map.

Following this dirt road path, which strayed from the main road, a rather medium-sized building began appearing to Fayrene and Vek, along with some people outside the building, gathered around in groups.

"Players …." murmured Fayrene to herself, something which Vek took in as a lot of people.

"Yea, there's quite a number of people."

Only now did Fayrene connect the new information received from Fang, about the Tavern being a checkpoint, and looking around the building constructed solely from wood, without there being an incident at the entrances between her and the groups of players, she only received a notification from the system.

[You have found the Logmall Tavern of Silverpine Forest. Once you step inside the building, fights between players are not allowed.]

Taking another look at the tavern outside where the burning torch created some light in this dark night. She noticed posters placed on the wooden walls of the building containing the portrait of some people, mostly women, that were [Missing].

Sighing to herself slowly, she stepped inside the tavern where compared to outside she saw a slightly livelier atmosphere.

The voices of people brought a better atmosphere compared to the somber atmosphere outside, yet one woman was the key on keeping this feeling in this tavern. She had brown hair, and wearing clothes a minstrel would have, while at the moment was playing a song on her flute. From what Fayrene could see, the woman was an inhabitant of her world.

[Maryden - Lv. 75]

Her eyes were on the minstrel, but the bard was not, she played with her eyes closed to which Fayrene no longer focused on Maryden. She retracted her gaze from Maryden and instead walked toward the Innkeeper who was serving some guys at the counter, visible players.

"Good evening, sir. I would want to rent a place to spend the night." said Fayrene after walking closer to the counter and innkeeper.

"Sure thing, young lady. It will cost you 10 gold coins per night." replied the Innkeeper after taking a look at Fayrene, and returning to serving the other players.

Fayrene, who had a slightly miserly personality to her, remained quiet while she took a seat together with Vek at the long counter, taking the chance to observe her surroundings.

From Maryden playing her instruments, giving a piece of background music the people could enjoy to the various player groups recovering from their hunt.

At the corners of the tavern, there were travelers, inhabitants of her world but around different spots, she could see some groups of players, and parties as she knew them taking their time to eat and talk.

"You are alone in this high-level hunting ground?"


She turned her attention to the person sitting next to her, a woman with a pleasant appearence, shoulder-length brown hair, and a professional smile, while at her side was a broadsword.

Her name was Sera.

Her level was rather high compared to most players who were still sitting with their levels at 20-30, hers being a high [59].

"No, I have my friend here accompanying me."

The woman, who had brown shoulder-length hair and a thick leather armor from chest to pants, turned her eyes on the smaller creature sitting next to Fayrene and was surprised to see his high level of [85]

"I see, you got a quest… Need help by chance?"

To Fayrene it felt as if the players were vultures when it came to quests, always wishing to take part in such things, even in her short interaction with Red and his group, they would bring up a lot about this subject.

"Unfortunately is something that is linked to me and my companion."

"Ohh, so is such a quest. No worries."

Declining the offer in a humble way while using a list of excuses given by Mathias to her, she managed to excuse herself from talking about this subject, rejecting the woman next to her in an amicable way.

No longer leaving herself in the open, she agreed with the innkeeper price, who gladly took out a key from his large stash of keys, giving one to her.

"Your room is on the second floor. Don't mind the dust and spider webs or bugs. This place of mine isn't a host for rich people, just cheap people like those kids, merchants, and peasants who are moving toward Toulmont or Comeo."

"Innkeep, don't badmouth us, or you'll be crying later on when those beasts attack your tavern again." mentioned a guy, who downed his mug of beer, also a person with a high level.

"Haha, if worse comes, I'll just burn the tavern down and move to Toulmont to start another tavern. You kids have funded me decently for the past months."

He later asked Fayrene if she wanted to eat something, to which she responded positively, getting up with Vek and moving toward another part of the tavern, an empty bubble that wasn't occupied by anyone.

"Much better. You heard it little Vek? They mentioned about the beasts attacking the tavern too. Could it be related to the quest we have?"

"Maybe, but I don't know. Anyway, I will go and set up some traps around the tavern just in case. It will alert me if something bad happens."

"Sure, if this makes you feel better. Do you want me to save some food for you?"

"No, I will eat tomorrow when we depart."

Vek didn't wait and exited the tavern, and wrapping a black cloth around his body, he moved rapidly stepping inside the forest, being able to see perfectly in the dark, a unique trait of the kobolds which allowed him to discern forms, as in normal daylight vision, but only in shapes of gray.

The distance he was able to see was of 18 meters, plenty enough for Vek's underground activity.

Moving without the players to even notice him, once in the forest, he could hear the sound of fight deeper in the forest, with beastly roars, but it wasn't something that concerned him, understanding that the players were capable enough people that could defeat beasts of similar strength to them.

He kept to his plan and began gathering dead tree branches that he started placing around the forest exit in spots that only beasts could move past, that he camouflage to a professional degree, and with the piece of resistance being some poison made from the plants he gathered on his way.

"It is weaker than most poisons Elder Morlk taught me, but it will do its job. Bringing lots of pain to the beasts that step in the traps."

While Vek was doing his kobold activities to give him some peace of mind, knowing he was safe in the surrounding area, Fayrene was eating the food brought by the innkeeper where he left her to herself, returning back to take orders from the people at his counter.

Minutes passed, and the food was finished, to the point where she began listening to the music, yet from nowhere she got up and walked toward the innkeeper, asking him for some directions to Comeo and the surrounding villages.

"You'll have to follow the main road for some kilometers, then at one point if you keep on the right track, you'll see the road toward the Count's City with some placards telling you the right direction."

"Thank you, innkeeper."

"Sure, for nothing, young lady. Do you want to drink something? It's quite cheap."

"No need. I don't drink."

"Not even tea? It's cheap, really cheap."

"How much?"

"50 silver coins."


Fayrene kept silent while frowning. She turned around to walk to where she eat, but the innkeeper didn't back down, and immediately told her.

"20 silver coins."

"Fine, brew me some tea. Here are the coins." remarked Fayrene who found this price reasonable, still getting past her limits, but she didn't want to attract people's attention, placing the coins on the counter and departing.

She began waiting for Vek but time passed and from the way her system clock was showing, it was already 11:12 PM and still no sign of the young kobold, as if something bad might had happened to him. It wasn't that, being able to see that Vek health gauge from her party interface was full.

Yawning a bit, noticing that the minstrel's music also finished, failing to notice if she left the tavern or went to her room, but later a voice went in her direction, asking her.

"Are you by chance journying to Comeo? Have I heard it wrong?"

Fayrene was holding her head in his palm, glancing at the empty wooden cup that held her tea, and in a lazy way she raised her eye, only to see the minstrel, Maryden, approach her table.

"I do, is there any problem?"

"No, not at all. I am looking for a group to move toward Comeo since it is dangerous all by myself, knowing how things have turned around the forests. Can I have a seat?"


"So, I was wondering if you can allow me to tag along with you and that creature that resembles a draconian from the tales of bards."

"I don't have my way to the city of Comeo, instead I am journeying to the villages."

"Doesn't matter, as long as I am not alone on my way out of the forest." remarked Maryden, looking at Fayrene with a serious gaze.

"How have you reached this point if you are so afraid to adventure by yourself? Or, do you have a partner?"

"Hah, who would come with me during this harsh winter? I have a contract with Count Como to sing for his banquet, while my friends declined this offer because of the winter.

Since it was good money, I couldn't say no, so here I am. As for how I managed to reach the tavern, it is thanks to some adventurers, those brave outlanders that helped out."

"... I have to discuss it with my friend. I can't decide by myself."

"Come on, I can sing for you and even tell tales, juggle, do magic tricks, I know a lot of interesting stuff to keep us busy on the journey."

Fayrene glanced at Maryden with an amused smile at this girl, and commented to herself, trying to mimic Vek's way of speech.

"He probably would say "I don't know, never experienced such a thing. Mistress, you decide." I guess, you can also come with us if you don't have a partner for this journey."

"Ahhh, what a relief. Do you wish I play my mandolin? Some calming tunes?"

"No, it will attract people's attention. Be quiet, some people probably are already sleeping upstairs."

"Yea, I guess. That cheap innkeeper, he didn't even pay me for playing for his customers, you should have seen his rooms. Ewww, disgusting."

"That bad?"

"Yea, I am even scared to get in my room, so many bed bugs and cockroaches. He doesn't have a soul, only trying to profit from us poor travelers."

"I still haven't seen my room."

"Can I stay with you? I really don't like that room of mine, and I hate being by myself."

"Why approach me to ask such a thing? What if I was some criminal that might have wanted to harm you for opening your guard?"

"Hahaha, good joke. Hard to imagine such a lady like you, could be capable of doing such evil things."

Fayrene scoffed a bit at the minstrel, and from her palm a purple flame which was made from arcane energy appeared, spooking the young minstrel, a girl that was around 16-18 years old.

"Whoa, what's that? A magic trick? Show me again. Heyy, come on, don't ignore me."

The minstrell kept Fayrene's mind busy while she waited for Vek to appear, and in that time, while Maryden kept talking constantly to her, asking her all sorts of things, it made her sigh and remark to herself.

"Now I can understand what Mat feels when I start asking him all sorts of things, or I am nagging him. When we meet again, I will try to change."

"Ohhh, are you talking about someone? Your brother? Also, I am not nagging you, I am just curious."

"Yes, that curiosity of yours will bite your ass at one point in time."

"No way, I still haven't found my love."

'Argh, little Vek, rescue me from this pest.'


A/N: A new companion has been spotted?

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