
"We should be safe here," Jel said, closing the door behind him as he breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Osbert, who was just staring at him blankly. "What?"

"Why do we keep running away from them?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "I thought we came here because we were supposed to meet them. Don't I need their approval or something like that?" 

"Nope." Jel walked deeper into the room with his hands clasped behind his back. "I am just introducing you to them. I do not need their approval for anything. Besides, it has already been done so it is not like they can do anything about it anyway." 

Wrapping his arms around Osbert's neck, Jel moved a little closer, until they were only inches apart. 


"Yes?" He asked, backing into a wall while his eyes remained on the man's glittering red eyes. "Is something wrong?"