Nen Ability Discussion

Sorry, this is not a new chapter. I just wanted to discuss about Sachiko's nen ability. I've been working on it pretty much for a while and I just can't seem to decide on what she should change her aura into in transmutation category.

I have a few ideas tho so if you like any of the list below, please vote or if you have other suggestions, please comment. I really need to make my mind on these soon so that the story can continue :(

(1) Carbon Monoxide - Sachiko will change her aura into carbon monoxide. This can help her clear large waves of living beings without much effort, like a silent killer, deadly but however, it is not a very versatile ability. It somehow fit her to a degree, since she had the tendency to be secretive and wouldn't hesitate to use assassination means.

(2) Ice - Sachiko will change her aura into a freezing agent which will make the temperature drop in the places the aura goes. She can even produce ice and icicles, and the enemies can experience hypothermia and freezerburn. But, I feel like this doesn't really suit her personality or vibes.

(3) Poisonous and flammable gas - Sachiko will transmute her aura into an extremely flammable gas with the properties of carbon monoxide.

(4) Laughing gas - Sachiko will transmute her aura into a gas that makes people laugh incontrollably, relax their muscles and slow down their brain. I don't know it just popped up in my mind and I can see Sachiko trolling people with it?

(5) Suggestions.

After transmutation, I also have an idea for her other nen ability. I won't go into all details for this but it goes like this.

-Puppeteer (Manipulation)

Sachiko can manipulate living beings into her own puppets by attaching her special conjured nen threads. She has three different kinds of puppets with varying levels of control she can have. And she can also manipulate herself to a state called "Master Puppeteer " which allows her to boost her manipulation and puppeteer abilities by ten times in the expense of not being able to use manipulation for the next one month.

For puppeteer ability, she will use conjuration to conjure her own nen threads, enhancing to strengthen the threads and lastly manipulation.

So, this is the nen ability i've thought for her manipulation.

What do u guys think of her abilities so far? and how strong of a nen user would she be in your opinion?

I'd love to discuss more in comments.