I'll like to see them try!!

SAI knew what reaction this would spark from its master, but it had to nonetheless.


"It's Giovan, Miss Averna."


SAI was still collecting information as to why Giovan, a restaurant popular for its delicate and intricate delicacies, proved a threat to Verna, a perfume company. But to a degree, she found nothing in the search results, so her only lead source would have to be Averna saying something in relation to it.


Averna shook her head but said nothing for the time being; she wanted nothing more than to sleep. Her current hours of work were taking a toll on her.


'I need a vacation, sooner or later.' She thought with a yawn.


Taking Averna's actions as a cue to control the temperature to facilitate her sleep, SAI said, "Miss Averna, your warm bath will be ready soon."