The sly fox, bites?

Suddenly, Eileen burst out laughing at what she had just witnessed, and Averna could only blink in utter bewilderment.


"Hahaha!" She cackled, unable to keep her composure.


"Don't tell me, he didn't just—" Averna's chilly voice came through the speakers in the lab.


'This sly fox can bite?!' Averna wondered as she tilted her head to the side, observing.


Quickly hiding his hand, Lance shot a glare towards Damian, who blew a raspberry at him.


"Fuck you! How dare you bite me? Why didn't I see that we hired a canine in disguise?" Lance mouthed and rubbed his hand once more; the bite marks were clearly visible, even to a blind individual.


Damian raised both middle fingers in response but said nothing, leaving a big, satisfying grin on his face.


"Man, what a day this has been," Lance groaned, his head in his hands. "I'm going to have a nice long bath, thanks to you."