
Averna listened, and she heard the sound of a machine. The technician said nothing more, but she wondered if this woman was reading her mind or something similar. With a soft touch, the woman began rubbing her shoulder. She leaned closer to the table, allowing the woman to access the area behind her neck. The woman's voice sounded muffled to her. "You can relax now."


As soon as Averna released the tension in her shoulders and neck, she immediately fell into a deep sleep.




When she woke up, the room was dark, and she saw the silhouette of another person standing at the foot of the bed.


"Hello, Ms. Averna."


Averna sat up quickly. "Who is that?"


"It's just Lily. I wanted to make sure you were up for your facial treatment."


"Okay, then."l


"I'm glad you're ready. It's a good one."


"What kind of facial?"