Just in time*

May 31, 2024 [Day 2—Five-day ultimatum for plan B]


In Lance's Research Lab,


"Ma'am, I don't think it's necessary for you to..." Eileen's voice cut off, but so did the sound of another female's voice blast outside the doors.


"Eileen, move out of the way; it's not like I'm going to look for trouble or anything!" 


Lance and Damian shared a glance, raising their safety glasses, before looking behind them at the door where the noise had come from.


Then a knock followed.


"Are we meant to get that?" Damian looked uncertain, but Lance gave a small nod.


The door creaked open without as little as an approval from Lance, revealing a woman who looked to be in her mid twenties. She was a brunette with long, glistening hair that waved slightly down her back like a waterfall.


Her eyes were the most incredible shade of hazel Damian had ever seen.