Just like what...?

Just like a brief pause, I cut the transmission. I turned towards Wyn, who had remained silent throughout the rest of the broadcast, and asked, "What do you think?"


"About what?" she replied.


"About today's broadcast? Do you think it went well enough?"


Wyn gently shrugged her shoulders.


"It didn't seem too bad to me. I mean, the view count might not look good right now, but we'll see how things shape up when the numbers come in after the first week."


"You think we've got a shot?" I asked excitedly.


"Of course we do!" Wyn replied with a smile.


"My predictions never fail." Ravus spoke from behind us. "Just give these people a reason to tune in again next time, and they'll be hooked. After all, everyone loves a challenge where they can root for the underdog."


I turned around and looked at him questioningly. He smiled and continued.