Chapter three: Interception

Time passed quickly as days, weeks, months and even years passed by. It had been eleven years, wilson was eleven now. He had learned more about the world which he lived in presently.

He learned that the world he lived in was called picasia. Basically it was said that eons ago, humans all of a sudden started gaining abilities, the abilities to control a specific element of nature. From fire, to water, to wind and even the earth. As time went on, some started being able to control up to two or even three elements and newer elements were born, such as the space element, plant, sound and even the mysterious spirit element.

Being able to control two elements made you a DI-elemental, three made you a TRI-elemental and so on.

It was said that every single person was born with an elemental affinity, but the strength of each differed from person to person; so the people created a grading system with red grade being the lowest and the purple grade being the highest. That is, the colors of the rainbow from red to purple. Devices used to measure elemental strength were created.

Every year, kids from the age of twelve to fourteen were allowed to go to the testing guild to get their affinities and grades checked. It was said that this was the best time to check the elements the child was born with as the affinity began to awaken and strengthen.

Wilson was eleven and just couldn't wait till he became twelve. Every moment was spent thinking about how many and what elements he'd awaken.

"Wilson.... hey bud were you even listening to anything I was saying?" said Wilson's best friend -Daniel.

"huh, so sorry Dan, I was just...."

" wondering what element and how many you'd awaken,bla bla bla" completed Daniel who was used to Wilson's constant day dreaming by now. Wilson looked down blushing slightly.

"so sorry buddy,so what were you talking about?" he asked

" now I have to repeat myself again,huh, I was asking, whose fruit cake you thought was better". Daniel replied.

This was Daniel, Wilson's best friend since he was four, as long as he had known, daniel was always thinking of food.

" I don't know" was Wilsons' reply.

"come on, let's go to the arena" proposed Wilson

"sure, it's not like you go there EVERY SINGLE DAY!!" screamed Daniel

" come on Dan,"

"tsk, fine I was hungry anyway, you're buying the food for your info" replied Daniel.



They both went off to the arena. On their way there, they got intercepted by a group of boys around seven in number. Of course the two knew who the group was. The usual town bullies who called themselves the cool elementals.