Chapter five: Just in time

He looked at the scene in front of him and then calmly spoke with a surprisingly energetic voice.

" Can someone here explain what is going on ?"

No one knew when but Daniel had already gotten himself dirty, with bruises on his face. He cried while saying

" Old man Manny, thank goodness you're here if not we would have been goners. I ...(sniff), I.. I don't know what we did wrong but....(sniff) .. but these boys, they just(sniff) .. they just attacked us out of nowhere, they beat us up" he then pinched Wilson discreetly to join him in the facade.

Wilson of course wouldn't miss a chance to get revenge on the bullies.

" yes old man Manny, they beat us up badly, I can't even feel myself anymore" was Wilsons' reply.

Daniel stared at Wilson open-mouthed. Wasn't he going a little bit far, he wasn't the little bit scratched or dirty, did he expect to be believed so easily?

Contrary to Daniel's thinking, Old man Manny answered;" I totally believe you lad, do not worry about these bullies, I'll have to report them to their parents for this insolence"

"go back home Derek, I'll make sure to report this to your father this evening"

For a minute it looked like Derek wanted to fight with Old man Manny but then he remembered the rumors he had heard about old man Manny being a TRI- elemental or higher not knowing if it was true or not and not wanting to get into more trouble, he signalled his group to leave.

" I'll get you" were the words he whispered to Daniel and Wilson before leaving.



Old man Manny looked at the duo in front of him with concealed mirth. He knew exactly what happened but decided to see what followed next.

Needless to say he was impressed by the bond between the two friends and the quick thinking of the green haired one. He found it quite amusing how he immediately had an answer.

" Alright you two, run along. there's no guarantee they won't come back for you, take care alright"

" thanks Manny" they replied.

" no need to mention it".

They made it to the arena with no further complications.


" Looks like we made it in time" said Daniel.

They could both see that the fights in the arena were about to kick off. They paid the amount needed to enter and got inside.

Inside two men were standing at opposite ends ready to battle. There was clearly enmity between the two as one could see the tension in the air.

Daniel was right saying they made it in time because just as they were taking their seats, the announcer was announcing the contenders in the fight.

"this is it folks, the moment we've been waiting for. The battle of the titans. On the left we have the raging inferno and on the right, we have the boulder. Give it up people.