Chapter ten: So cool

Daniel placed his hands on the two orbs as well. The elder asked

"You don't look the least worried, can I ask why?"

"well senior,I actually am worried, I'm just trying to look cool, you know too make an image" Daniel replied the elder truthfully with a mischievous glint in his eye.

The elder only shook his head as he muttered" kids these days"

"alright Mr cool guy, you know what to do"

Daniel nodded his head, and placed both his hands on the two orbs.

It didn't take long for the orbs to light up brightly,one with an indigo color and the other with a golden purplish, red and brown color in quick succession.

The elder was surprised, he didn't think the mischievous one would be so powerful. He smiled and then mentioned "Daniel Fletch, lightning, fire and earth elements, indigo grade."

There was an uproar not long after. TRI elementals were said to be very powerful and not that common, so in a sense, they just witnessed a legend being born.

The said legend in person after recovering from his shock, just dusted his shoulders and walked back to his seat in pride and an aura of regality.

Wilson couldn't help but be happy for his best friend but at the same time feel nervous about his own testing and Awakening.

Of course being friends he couldn't help but compete and wonder what element he'd awaken or how many it'd be. Different thoughts just kept on repeating round his head and he couldn't help but become more and more nervous.

After it got to number twenty, the elder called for a break because most people needed some rest even though they were more stronger.

Sometime during the break, Daniel came out to meet Wilson who was still in the participants area. He was strutting and walking funnily trying to imitate the way some royals or nobles walked, but to his new fans which mostly consisted of girls, he looked so cool.

"hey Dan, congrats you're now a TRI-elemental, looks like your wishes did come true after all." Wilson mused.

"who is this Dan thou speaketh of, my name is TRI Dan."replied Daniel.

Wilson's lips twitched, just how narcissistic could a person be. He quickly changed the topic by asking Daniel about the academies

"hey Dan, which academy would you choose?" asked Wilson to Daniel.

Daniel looked to be in deep thought after being asked that question.

" you know willy boy, I'm not sure myself, but what I am sure of is the fact that I'll make sure we attend the same academy because we are best friends for eternity, BFE" He stated proudly.

Wilson was touched by his best friend's comment. They were both still young and didn't know what the real world was really like but still they built up a very great bond of friendship.

"you know what, you're right, best friends forever" replied wilson and they bumped their fists.

All of a sudden Daniel stated "well being the high and mighty TRI elemental I am, I'll have to protect you from all the bullies".

"you wish" Wilson snorted "what's to say I won't have more than three elements or a very unique one instead?"

"well.... because I am awesome" Daniel replied and ran back to the stage for people who had already tested.


A moment later the testing process continued, with most of them being single elementals until it got to the number 22. It was a young girl who turned out to be a di elemental but the surprising fact was that she awoke two of the rarest elements which was the space and the mysterious spirit element.

The next person as well turned out to be exceptional, he also awoke as a tri elemental with the fire, wind and water elements.

The next four were single elementals as well and just like that Wilson's number was called out for his testing.

"number 28, please come on up for your testing"

And off Wilson went.