Matters Beyond Our Control

Daven's revelation left Sekk'rah and the other gathered demi-humans speechless. Confused glances were exchanged between themselves before Daven decided to elaborate.

"We have just recently found out that the Henshaw Dynasty has created a drug that is capable of subverting the minds of demi-humans without alerting anyone of its presence. I hope you can understand the reason for my worries now." Daven explained to the crowd and they slowly calmed down when they got his point of view.

"We... understand your point, Patriarch." Sekk'rah eventually spoke, "But it is a bit hard for us to wrap our minds around it. To think that we might be under the control of humans even after everything." The lizardman shook his head and clenched his fist.

Just at that moment, four demi-humans stepped into the main chamber from one of the side entrances. Daven looked over and nodded when he saw who it was.