Chapter 1

I opened my as the first thing I saw was a blonde man as he looked at me in a panic

"Rudy ruby are you okay honey" he said as he got up from his chair and walked toward me, as I blinked before I smiled hiding the mental break down I was having, since last thing I remembered was getting hit by a truck

'ruby? the fuck, my names DeShawn so why is he callin-' I thought as it hit me so I got up and ran to the bathroom and got to a mirror

"no no no no no no" I said as I looked at myself to see a little girl in the mirror 'ahhhhhh! I'm fuck ruby rose'

"ruby are you okay in there" a voice said as I calmed myself

"I'm fine be out in a minute" I said as I did my best not to give it away that I'm not his child 'fuck I am so fucked, no wait this is a dream..... It's not a dream, I'm going to die' I thought as I sat on the floor as I had a small mental breakdown but it was short lived as I was hit with all of OG ruby's memories, calming me down a bit

'Okay that helped a little, doesn't change the fact that I'm in a world full of monsters that only hunt human for sport, I mean I've never seen a grimm eat a person.... How am I kidding' I said as I got up from the floor at I looked in the mirror

'okay from what I can tell from these memories Qrow has been training me for a year now and I activated my aura and semblance a few weaks back, so plus' I thought as I looked around the room an found a mope, I grabbed it and moved it around a little and then I began to spin it around extremely fast, moved it from side to side, control it trajectory, even in this small bathroom I was still able to freely move it

'I see so I've also got her skills, memories and some of her personality but it's weird, it's like we were fused together or something, because I can feel that I'm missing pieces of myself,ourselves.... Doesn't matter, I'm in a world populated by monster that hunt us, relying on other is a sure way to get killed.... I need to get stronger, stupidly so' I said as I looked at myself in the mirror

'plus I got super speed and I was already super fast compared to kids my age so I'm going to put 50% of my time in speed, 10% in strength training I need to at least be half as strong as Yang, 30% will go to scythe training with qrow but since his not here often I'll have to train by myself so when he comes back we can move on to the next step' I said as I reviewed more of Ruby's skills

'but I got to admit Ruby's learning speed is crazy fast, I mean in just a few short lessons she was able to get good and don't think she trained by herself.... nah she only trained when Qrow was here and if his wasn't comics and manga where her life'

"a true weeb" I said out loud as I laughed a bit

'but still it does irritate me a little that so much potential was being wasted and nobody cared except qrow, he's more of a dad then Taiyang is, which I find very sus but that not important right now but anyway 10% on studying, I mean do you have any idea how smart Ruby is if you don't believe me look at her main weapon in the show a giant foldable scythe that has a compact mode and I know what you're thinking "but many other characters have weapons that transform and some of the built them by themselves" and you would be right but think of the size of Crescent Rose and think about its compact mode it doesn't make any sense right? right anyway knowledge is power but I'm still going to need power if I want to defeat the Salem cult of weirdos' I thought as I stepped away from the mirror fixed myself before I walked out of the bathroom and back to the dining room and sat down

"is there something wrong Rubs you didn't look to well" dad/ Tai said as he looked at me with a worried look

'other than the fact I'm in a world full of monsters that feed on fear and an immortal being that wants to kill us all, I'm peachy'

"I'm fine dad just had a little stomach ache nothing to worry about" I said as I smiled at him

"really cause it looked like you'd seen a ghost"

"yeah you were really pale huh huh" yang said as Tai burst out laughing as the began to make puns

'yeah no, not dealing with this right now' I thought as I got up

"I still don't feel well so I'm going to go to sleep, goodnight" I said walking to my room

"ahh ruby we were still ghosting out" Tai said as I just left and went to my room and got in bed

Though I couldn't sleep my mind was to busy going from absolute panic to calm and collective, to planning the best training method, one that would be the most beneficial

'huh this is going to be harder than I thought and since qrow isn't going to be back for at least another month, l will be using that time to get everything in order like cutting back on sweets and junk food but not cookies that shit is here to stay'

(next morning)

I walk up early in the morning got dressed in my training clothes and went outside

"right first things first, how fast am I without my semblance and how fast with" I said as I looked at a tree that was more or less 100 meters away

"that should do" as I took out a stopwatch and got ready

"3...2..1..go" as I said that I jetted off towards the tree as I touched it I stopped the timer

"20,5 seconds huh not slow in my old world but in this one I may as well be standing still what time for my semblance" I said as I got ready again

"3...2...1..go" with that I used my semblance to jet off as I kicked up a dust cloud as I ran everything around me slowed down as I saw myself turning into rose as I got to the finish line I stopped the timer as my body went back to normal

"Okay that was a trip" I said as I looked at the timer

"2,5 seconds I see so my semblance is at least 10× my own speed but it has a problem as the second my body turned into rose the consumption on my aura doubled but I guess it's a small price to pay for Intangibility" I said as I rolled my shoulders

'which is an extremely overpowered ability and if you've watched naruto you know what I'm talking about' I thought as I got into ready again

"Okay now it time to see how long I can use my semblance this should also give me a feel of my aura and how long it would take for it to refill" I said before I began to dash from the tree to the house at least a hundred times but after a while I couldn't anymore, as in I could not active or feel my aura

'weird it seems that my aura and stamina are completely separate things this will give me an edge but let's look at the time'

"2:45 minutes huh neat but also strange because from what Qrow told Ruby a few weeks ago she could only maintain her semblance for a few seconds a minute tops and since aura grows at a snails pace these no why this was natural, but whatever it a advantage for me but now the only thing I can do is rest and wait for it to restore" I said as I want back in the house to see Yang with her school uniform and Tai in the kitchen

'oh right Yangs a student and Tai's a teacher'

"oh Ruby your up earlier than usual and in your training clothes don't tell me you where doing your scythe training, I told you not to do it without Qrow or myself there to make sure you don't get hurt" he said a little angry mixed with a hint of worry

'I take back what I said about Ruby being lazy and not training, I mean how could she when this guy blocked all ways of training idiot, does he not realize that we live in a world full of monsters and your daughters are training to fight them'

"no I was not scythe training I was just running around the house to see how fast I could go" I said as I grabbed a bowl and filled it with cereal

"okay but be careful we don't want you getting hurt okay" he said as I nodded

"anyways dad when is uncle Qrow coming, is it soon, I want him to teach me some cool new moves, oh I hope he's coming back soon" I said as I got up from my seat and on to the table

"Ruby get off the table" Yang said as she finished her breakfast and I got off and sat back down


"right, anyways Rub's, Qrow isn't due for two months but after that he will be living with us and be a teacher at single academy with me so be patient and Sandra will be coming to bady sit you"

*knock knock *

"and that must be her" he said as he want to the door with Yang following him as he opened it he was met with a 20 something year old girl with neo purple hair and eyes and an outfit that screams "I AM HERE" with how bright it is

'no wander Ruby was the way she was in the show this lady is Summer on L.S.D any child would get a contact high from her but she is good at her job so plus in her corner'

"good morning Mr Xiao Long I hope you have an amazing day you to Yang!" she said as they walked past her

"you to Sandra"

"bye ruby bye Sandra see you guys later" they said as they left

"so ruby what do you want to do today"

"hmmm nothing much just going to do my own thing for a while" I said as I went back to eating

'huh I'm also going to have to increase my intake of food, if I want to build up my body and since dad and yang train in strength food should not be a problem' I thought as I finished and went to the backyard again

'to build up my body I need to stress the shit out of it, so for now it's run until I can't' I thought as I jumped a bit before I took off running

As I ran full speed for hour without stopping, I had dropped to the ground unable to stand let alone walk, so I crawled to the stairs and sat there and began to think about my semblance 'Okay so my semblance has three properties speed, shape-shifting and Intangibility. Speed is pretty simple I am able to increase my normal speed by a factor of ten but my reaction time also gets an increase but it's a few seconds behind my body, so I need to build that up but that will be easy just us my super speed as I run through the forsters dodging tree and as long as I stay within a certain point I'm good, next is shape-shifting I am able to turn my whole body into a swarm of rose and in the show ruby was able to fly, increase the volume of roses, divided herself and become a swarm of ROSES and back to human without losing a piece of herself because when she turned into roses some of the roses were scattered to the wind.... huh this needs to be looked at more and last but not least Intangibility the ability to pass through any sold objects an overpowered ability that can make you invisible in a fight because how can you fight someone you can't touch so all in all these are all op abilities, problem is that they all activite at the same time and wastes a large amount of aura, if I was able to separate them and make the faction by them selves I could be possibly copy Delsin Rowe from second sons smoke powers but I know that this is going to be difficult but I got time six years, so I got six years to train and become the best me and that means no pain no gain' I said as I got up and began running again I was not at full speed but I was running so

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Hy sorry about this, I've actually been going back and editing my work, so if it says updated but no new chapter, it's probably an update