Chapter 5

It's been a year since uncle qrow began training me but the thing we have been doing is strength training, he's been increasing my weights every time I look like I'm getting too use to them and I haven't touched a scythe or even trained in it, his been telling me that I have to pass a test before I can begin scythe training but he hasn't give ame any clues about what the test only that it shouldn't be to hard for me and that there is no reason to worry about it but and that I should focus on training and talking about train it has payed off as I'm now way faster and stronger than when I was before and when I take my weights off I became even stronger qrow says I can beat most Beacon students with little effort on my part but I still have a long way to go before I can take someone like qrow on even with my semblance I can't win and but I can kick the shit out of him if I use the power darkness but that gives me an unfair advantage to all living things

Qqrow has been spending a lot of time with I guess he figured out that his semblance doesn't work on me but if he pushs it it does effect me, anyway I was not lieing when I said my semblance got a boost because I am able to now activate the properties of my semblance separately or together but it does take alot of focus to use my phasing but I'm able to walk through walls with little effort and I can stay in rose form for an hour and I'm still able to move around and fly but it takes up more of my aura and my speed is the easiest to connect because it's been my main power and uncle qrow has said that I'm probably six times faster then him and that my flash step lost like teleportation to him and this is come from one of the top ranking hunter in remnant but even so I still can't touch him in a spar as he says that he has some experience fighting fast enemies which irritated me a little but whatever moving on

My aura has is still at the same level but it became more potential and denser so better shield and better healing and semblance cost is way less but the to restore it from zero takes about two days and a day if i meditate so neat but not least the powers the gods gave me the silver power is really overpowered as it gives me an aura that weakens grim and makes them think twice as shown when uncle qrow wanted me to see him kill grim so we want out on a trip but no grim would come near us as I was flaring up my light powers but weird thing people don't feel or even notice it but grim are another story as only the strongest grim can even get close but I have only been channeling the power around my body same with darkness and into objects speaking about my darkness its has no effect on grim as it mainly focuses on the souls and grim don't have soul so can't use it when hunting grim but people are another story as in the some day we want out I flared my darkness and uncle qrow was sweating as he immediately picked me up and full speed dashed out of the forest and to the city as I immediately canceled it didn't want to give people heart attacks anyway I haven't been able to test it out yet but in the future I will but right now uncle qrow and I are in a forest walk

"uncle qrow were are we going" I said as we've been walking for an hour since we got out of the ship in vale

"to your test but don't worry I'm sure you'll ace it" he said as we continued walk until we were face to face with a group of alpha beowolves about five of them as the all looked at us

"we ruby here's your test kill all of the and you pass and here" he said an he gave a 30cm knife "this should help you and make it quick" he said as he turned into a crow and flow to a tree

*ROOOOAAAR* as one of the changed towords me as it got ready to slice me with its claws I disappeared and reappeared behind it as stabbed it in the side as I pulled out the knife jumped up as I grabbed its head as I flipped over it as I was upside down and our faces inches from each other I stabbed it in the eye and channeled my light into it as it died before I land as I looked at the other grim as I had what uncle qrow calls evil smile as I looked at the grim

"whos next" I said as I stepped on the dead grim as that pissed his pack of as the all roared and charged at me full speed as I just stood t as in my eyes they were moving in slow motion 'sigh this is going to be boring so best not use my light if I want to have a little fun' I thought as the got closer and began to clawer at me trying to slice me but they were just to slow as I flipped and flash stepped away it was actually pretty fun

"ruby we are on a time frame here hurry it up" uncle qrow said as he shifted back to his human form as I dodge the jaws of one as I kicked it forcing its mouth shut as I gave it a second kick that pushed it into its group as they all grouped up

"fine then" as my eyes want cold as I release my light as the grim took a step back as they did i used my speed semblance disappeared and reappeared behind the as they heads got sliced off and uncle qrow landed in front of me

"I see you silver powers have improved since they awoke" he said as he is the only one I trust with the information and know he would keep his mouth shut because dad would probably want to stop my hunter career and yang can't keep her mouth shut so yeah better safe than sorry but I didn't tell him about my darkness because I am not an idiot

"yeah I've been practicing it every night but it's still hard to control but" I said as the blade started glowing silver as I moved it around "it takes me at best 20 seconds to channel it and I'm able to keep it up for at least a minute" I said as I cut the power

"huh you may be better than your mother at that but playing with your enemies is how you get killed and unless it's a spar or match you aim to kill don't waste any time or movements the people who know about your eye will want head so remember nev-"

"never show mercy I know uncle qrow you tell me this every time and its not that bad to have fun with weaker enemies" I said as I looked at him with a smile

"don't get overconfident and don't say it like that it makes you sound like a villain okay"

"wait didn't you do the same thing that time we went on a trip and you decided to show off"

"well.. yes... but I'm.. Ahhh... Yeah your right but you need to to control that blood thirst of yours"

"huh it is but how did I do did I pass or what"

"do you even have to ask" he said as he pointed at the spot the grim were

"I know but I like to be praised so praise me"

"huh good job" he said as he pet my head "at least you showed that my training payed off oh and do you still have your weights on" he said as he as I thought for a minute

"that explains so much I really thought I was getting weaker for a second there" I said as I took off "huh so much better" I said as rapidly appeared and disappeared as I stopped

"huh that felt so good" I said as I stopped in front off qrow

"huh that was something your really are faster then me huh" he said

"yeah I am I'm sure I can beat yang and everyone in her school" I said as I looked at my hands

"yes but you still to have to hold back so put them back on and let's go back to the ship" he said as he turned around abd walked way as I appeared in front of him

"hy uncle qrow I have a question" I asked as he walked around me as I followed him


"why don't you train yang like you do me" I asked a question that has been on my mind for a while now

"well that simply ruby I'm not her father" he said in a way that said no more questions as I just nodded 'I wonder' as we borded the ship as it took off

"okay but I was wondering uncle qrow why did you tell me to not use my eye power until I'm strong or what ever"

"well to be honest its to protect you as there are those who will stop at nothing to kill every silver eye warriors or use them as weapons your mother was no different we had to fight and kill enemies that kept popping out of nowhere we all had to do things we aren't proud of but it was for the greatest good or that's what I tell myself" he said a little sad

"you don't have to worry about me uncle qrow because I have you and your teaching me to protect myself from anything right" I said as I gave him the biggest smile with cute eyes and he gave me head pats 'I am still a guy but this is heaven


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