13 : it really wasn't that hard

So the first thing I did in the morning was wake up take a shower first because I am still a guy at heart, get dressed and go to meet with Oz and finding him was pretty easy so were the two student and teacher duo fucking and that boy wasn't hitting it right but whatever, I went to Oz and who I found on the cliff looking at the forest

"ahhh miss Rose, what do I owe the pleasure" he said not turning towards me with a smile and a cup of coffee in his handp

"I don't want to be placed on a team, I've counted the amount of people in my year and even if I factor in the skilled the number still get to an odd one so I would like for you to not put me in one" I said simply as he sipped on his coffee and waited for a few minutes

"and you believe you can operate throughout the school years without one"

"yes it should not be a problem for me I've been on many hunts alone in the wild this should not be a problem" I said as I held my head up

"huh well then miss Rose prove to me that you can handle being our first solo huntress" he said as he took a sip of his coffee as I nodded

"oh did you know that a teacher and a student are-"

"yes miss Rose, and do keep this on the what do you kids call it.... Ah the down low" he said as I looked at him

"as long as it doesn't effect me in any way I really don't care so sure, but you must know that anyone with a good enough nose would be able to"

"yes miss rose, and I hope you show me your best" he said as I nodded and disappeared

"what a strange child you have there summer" he said as I appeared in the locker room with the others getting out of the shower and this annoying girl that was talking way to loudly but headphones, but I had to dodge someone trying to take them and would you guess it, it was the fuck boy that fuck one off the teachers as I grabbed him by the neck

"try that again, and I will rip you throut out" I said as he tried to remove my hand but these hands have been train in combat it doesn't matter how strong you look to me you are a ant

"ruby let him go his was only trying to say hy that's all" yang said as I dropped the kid like trash and walked away after getting my weapons as Yang and Weiss help him up 'girls will go crazy over a guy that looks good and would let him get away with anything, to bad I'm will beat your ass and no amount of train he does would get him to my level unless the gods somehow give some powers then, but even then his still a weakling'

"it doesn't matter good luck, you'll need it with your skills" I said to the kid as he cough, walking away from them as I got outside as leaf smacked me in the face as I took it off it had writing

~Dear little soul

The one that calls himself Onyx is another worlder like you but he wasn't picked to save the world, just one of those isekai that got three wishes, the God who placed him here said he was a dick, as he wish to be placed in the rwby world, semblance nullification and God like looks the idiot and then he was placed on this world since this world have been charged by you as there are now much stronger grim that don't follow Selam because of you and you little massacres you did a few months ago, but what I'm trying to say is that he is useless ignore him and when are planning on kill those two

Bye love light

"when I have them in the same room so they can die together while giving me one of the greatest fights I will ever have, it should be glorious and I wish it happens so I can fight that giant whale" I said as I burnt the paper with darkness as I walked away to the cliff as I got on my pad which was the last one as Oz explained the test 'it still doesn't explain his semblance or semblances, because from the feel of his aura he has like four of them like what the fuck'

"you all will be lunched into the forest and will have to find you own landing strategy and the first person you meet will be your partner for the next five years of your time in beacon, now get ready" he said as everyone got ready but Jaune

"sir when you said we would have to find our own land strategy, do we get parachutes" Jaune said as a red head was lunched

"no you will be falling, good bye now" he said as he pressed a bottom on his kain and he was lunched with Onyx the fuck boy behind him as yang looked at me gave me a thumbs up as she was lunched then after no one was left but me as I waited and waited till

"okay what the fuck" I said as I looked at Oz as he just sipped on his coffee

"no no no miss Rose this will only be for a few minutes I want-" he said as I sighed

"yeah I don't know if my uncle told you this but I can feel people and can avoid being seen by these people so there is no need to worry about it sir" I said as he looked at me for a second before sipping again and waiting for a minute

"understandable miss rose but what I was trying to say is that you have to wait for a few minutes for the plate to charge, I am going to launch you very high, very fast if you survive that you get you wish but not leven experience hunters have came out.... intact" he said as I yawned

"okay let's see what you got old man" I said as I got ready and with in a second I was launched into the sky at bullet speed but for me this was pretty slow as I spotted everyone 'huh so Weiss is with Onyx but every one is in there original teams hmmmm it seems that I'm the extra not him hmmm I don't care' I thought as I took out my scythe as it became a spear as I throw it at an nevermore as it hooked around its neck as I pulled myself to it as I swang around and landed on its neck

"let's go down" I said as I pull the chain as the bird did a loud screech as I got on top of it as it did a back flip and then did a nose dive towards the earth as I brace for impactp I took my out my gun Sever, used the bird as a pillow to soften my landing as our crash made the ground shake a little and this caused an crater as I jumped off the bird

"huh that was fun birdie but this is where we part way" I said as I began to walk away it somehow got the power to get up and lung itself at me as I backflipped over it and shot it in the head killing it before I hit the ground

"huh that was fun now what should I do, let's see for now I could hunt that big ass nevermore that I felt coming my way" I said as I climb up a tree and looked around to see the others at the site as they took there pieces

"huh it's about time, oh and whats this" I looked to see a few grimm coming my way as I took out Dominate and jumped down right on top one of the beowolf and shot it in the head as the others looked at me as I looked around

"this is the part where you all charge" I said as they roared and I jumped up and shot two in the head and one in the knees as they dropped in the ground as I landed to the side as three of them lined up

"ohhh your making this to easy children" I said as I fired Sever as the bullet went through all there heads as I looked around to see that there where about five still alive as I shot them all with zero effort as I walked away but stopped as I pointed dominate to the sky as I fired about 16 shots into the sky as I began to walk away as griffins began to fall

"to easy" I said as I looked at where the nevermore is

I should get a running start this need to be aimed properly as i ran about a mile back then stopped as I got ready feeling where the grimm would be

"got you" I said as I took off my wieghts I used my super speed break the sound breaker immediately as I saw a tree and ran up it and launched off it as I got in the sky I turned into roses and blasted off as I turned back

"there you are" I said as I looked at a nevermore twice the size of the one in the show with two more wings, horns and 6 eyes and strange writing on it

As I got out my scythe as I throw it at it with silver power on the blade as it hooked on the grimm as I pulled myself up to eye level

"let's have some fun shall we" I said as I took out Sever and shot out all it eyes on the one side as this caused it to go crazy as I got on its back as I took a moment to look around

"man it pretty nice up here" I said as I jumped up as spike appeared on it back as I jumped on one of them as I pulled my scythe in and add a shit ton of light into it as I began swinging, slashing and cutting the bird as I dodged it attacks as I took the scythe and hooked it in the tail of the bird 'this thing can make spikes from its body good thing I took out its eyes'

"let go" I said as I ran with my scythe still in it as it caught on fire from the speed I was moving at as I got to the top of its head as I jumped off and my scythe unhook as I looked down on it as I began spinning my scythe and it began turning red and I launched it at the birds head and took out Sever and shot at my scythe as the bullets hit forcing the scythe to go in deep into the birds brain

"EXPLOSION" I shouted as the scythe exploded inside the birds head as it took out most off it head as the two of us fall to earth and remember I was going up faster than sound and roses trailed of me

"huh I've got to admit bird you really took a lot out of me but" I said as I looked under me to see the bird falling as the ground was getting close as I began to turn into roses as the bird feathers where falling off as this created a beautiful dance off red roses and black feathers then


It crashed into the side of the mountain as I crashed into one of the pillars but I was in my weightless rose form so no damage to the pillar as I reformed and looked around

"huh I should go get my pieces-" I said as I looked at the bird with half a head, it's back opened, spin sliced in half get up


"HOW IN THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL ALIVE" I said as I placed my weapon in a reverse grip as it turned full silver as my hair stood up like I was going super saiyan as a silver aura flared as the silver energy created a giant scythe


"so loud" I said as I got ready as it charged at me as I just waited as it got closer

"huh sorry then" I said as it got closer as I disappeared as it flew passed the pillar as it head come fly of and its body was split in half as I watch it fall

As I hoped down and disappeared and reappeared where the pieces where and took the only one left and ran up the mountain too see Oz sipping his coffee and goodwitch with her mouth on the ground unable to speak as she was shocked at what she just witnessed

"huh miss Rose when I said prove to me I didn't expect you to kill such an old and powerful grimm by yourself, truly you deserve to be on a one man team but your uncle has told me you need friends so you'll will be operating as a back up for you sister and Mr Arcs team but you may refuse to go with them as you are still solo huntress" he said as he sipped

"huh I don't mind, oh and where are the others"

"I sent them back into the school we can't have students outside while such a grimm was flying in, I'm not a monster" he said as we began walking leaving the still goodwitch

"is she going to be okay"

"hmmmm I have no idea, the monster you just taken down is on the level of a wyvern and you took it down in the sky a feet only your mother and qrow have done" he said as we walked and I looked at him

"you don't seem so shocked"

"ohhh miss Rose I've seen those who wield magic and those that can summon and control grimm, the power of the silver eyes is nothing new to me but I would like you to keep that power up of yours a secret, there are many threats out there" he said as I nodded

"yeah I can only do that once a day so sure"

"huh why don't you go to my office miss Rose I would like to speak to you about something" he said as I sighed as disappeared and appeared behind qrow in his bird form as he turned to human as he sat on the tree

"too stronger, what you just did was something that I need your mother to do and this was a good five years after we left beacon... I've never been so proud of you, and you even use the bordering method your mother used" he said as he wiped the tears from his eyes as I giggled

"great minds uncle qrow" I said as I smiled at him as I sat next to him

"so how's friend hunting going"

"huh I'm trying but people are idiots, that will begin to fear me when I show them what I can do" I said as a excuse since I really don't want friends

"so wear a mask and hold back then slowly introduce them to the real you and so the day you take off the mask they won't be so suppressed" he said as I looked at him as I nodded 'that actually useful'

"or you can crash them all an revile in there fear" raven said as she appeared out of a red portal she's been popping by every few months to check on me and I tell her every time that she has a daughter she should be doing this for not me

"oh hy raven aren't you supposed to be with your daughter" I said as I blade passed through me

"enough of your idiotic behavior how did you do" she said as she sheath her sword

"took down a four winged bird, like it was a bitch" I said as I dodged this time

"mind your tongue"

"eat my ass, anyways what are you doing here" I said as I looked at her "I'm sure you are a threat to, too many people just to be left alone"

"you are correct but there where far more important things for me to see" she said as I nodded

"okay whatever, I should get to wizard tower before him" I said as I turned into a sworm of roses and flow up to the top of the tower and entered through a window and made myself comfortable in Ozpin chair as I took out my scroll and play a game and waited for about an hour as the elevator doors opened as my sisters team and jaunes team walked in with Oz and the goodwitch

As goodwitch was about to say something but stopped when Oz looked at her

"ahhh miss Rose you where able yo make it, please get off my chair" he said as I got off and walked to one of the chairs and sat down and played my game with one of the girls trying to sneak looks as I was tempted to show her but her heavy breathing was a problem

"what is this about sir, why have you called us all here" Onyx said as he was the first to speak as a few nodded as Oz ignored him as he got comfortable in his chair

"miss Rose if you must sit on my chair again please do move it, it was a problem with you mother and it's one for you to" he said as I gave him a thumbs up as he moved the chair a few more times

"huh there we go, and to answer your question Mr Onyx I am here to tell you that miss Rose will be part of you teams until she feels she no longer needs you then I will remove her from your teams and place her in a solo team with herself and only herself, that is all" he said as he took a sip of his coffee

"wait sir how can you allow this child that sort of treatment she has done nothing to earn that kind of privilege, this dolt has-" Weiss was cut off by oz

"done more then you could ever do allow miss schnee and I would appreciate it if you would not question me on thing like this" he said as his smile dropped

"I'm sorry sir but I'm with Weiss on this one, during the whole test I didn't see Ruby anywhere what could she have done to get this treatment" Onyx said as ozpin sighed in irritation

"huh I see, well miss Rose was able to take down a nevermore a bit smaller than the one you had but still a nevermore and this was before she touched the ground so yes she has the right to going solo, no to mention she's two years younger than her grade and is already better than most students here" he said as I stopped playing my game as I looked up and nodded

"so just because she took down a grimm means she's special" Weiss said as Oz just sipped on his coffee

"yes" he said simply

"sir with all duo respect I don't think you should do that it would be best if you sent her home and let her try next year" yang said this as I looked at her as my eyes glowed a little but I sighed and left it

"yes she is still to young and has a very bad attitude so she can't work with others well" Weiss said as she looked at me as I gave her the middle finger

"miss Schnee was it not you that caused an explosion yesterday with your dust" Oz said as he sipped

"no that was he-" she stopped as he turned his computer towards her and played a video

"you where the one who shook powdered dust in front of someone else's face and I do remember what you said to miss Rose in order for her to punch you and from the looks of it she didn't hurt you and children" he said as the air became cold

"this is my school I kick out and allow anyone I please not you or anyone so please next time you feel to tell me what to do with my students, I would advise you to think very very carefully before you come to me and tell me what to do now dismissed, I would like to talk to your team leaders, oh and miss Rose you will be sleeping with team OBWY (obey) for your time" he said as we walked to the elevator but I took the stairs and run down about 200 flits of stairs within a second and walked to the front desk got my thing and went to the room wasn't that hard to find it because I'm not an idiot anyways I got to the room to see I was the first and since I only had two bag with a few clothes and some of my screens I was good as I hooked up to the corner bed plugged in the holograms projector as a screen appeared and I began to play music with my headphones on full as I placed my guns and scythe on the wall with my bag under the bed

'huh I should get some clothes I can't live off combat and uniforms my whole school life here'

"right classes dont start for another day since I fought that grimm so i'm a take the day off

..... But it's still the first day of school and Oz gave me so many privileges.... Hmmm nuh I'll waste my time on the third day" I said as I sat back down and continued playing my game for about four more hours till I felt the teams coming as the opened the door I removed one of my headphones

"ohh come on guys I've got a few bottles I managed to sneak in" Yang said as she opened the door as the team ORWY and JRNP come in as I did even bother to look away from my screen "oh hy Rubies I did know you would be in here in our dorm" she said as I paused the game

"I'm pretty sure ozpin told you about my stay here so get use to it" I said simply still play my game

"oh so there are four beds" yang said as she looked around

"yeah" I said still playing

"there are five of us" Blake said


"meaning one of us is not going to have a place to sleep" Onyx said

"not really just get a sleep bag like the one we used the other day" I said because it seemed as if there were straggling

"huh good idea ruby, you'll take that sleeping bag while we'll take the beds right" yang said with a smile as the other nodded as I looked at them

"yeah" Onyx said

"seems like the best course of action" this was Blake a

".....HAHAHAHAHAHAHABABAHAHHAHAHAHA ahhh that was a good joke" I said laughing as I placed my headphones back on "good joke" and played my game and since I couldn't hear them they kinda looked like monkeys dancing around for my attention but I'm in game mode so yang went to block the screen but it moved to the ceiling as I continued playing then she went to switch it off but only I can switch off, once that didn't work she unplugged it and the screen switched off but my scroll was still on and so the image transferred to my scroll and I played from there and when she saw that her eyes went red as her hair lit up like a Christmas tree but I ignored her as she tried to snach my scroll but she's way to slow as I was dodging all her attempts while on my back and then she covered the screen but I still kept playing

"I've been playing this game for a while now, to the point I can play it with only the sound but to be honest you can't really get my attention so" I said as I shook my scroll a little as a hologram passed through her hand and I was back to gaming normally

"discusses amongst yourselves who's taking the floor cause it's not going to be me" I said as I went back to gaming 'what is wrong with these idiots it's like they see a hot boy and there brains stop working, huh whatever it is it's annoying and I see it being a problem, but not mine I can leave at anytime but plot called me here and I shall stay here for a while' I thought as I looked at the others trying to calm yang down

Anyway after a few minutes she calmed down as they went back to doing whatever they where going to do here as they get the drinks yang brought somehow in as Onyx came to my bed with a smile as he tried to say something as I tapped on my headphones as he reached up for one of my guns bad move

As the gun sent about a hundred volts of electricity into him as he flow away as I watched him fly into a wall

"why would you even, yeah you know what I don't care close the door once you're out" I said as the kid picked himself up as they took they things and left