28 :fighting a dragon again

(the next day)

Knock knock

"Ruby wake up, it's time for breakfast" the woman said as I got up strangely way to tired as I sighed and walked to the door as I opened door

"oh you, your awake and still in you cosplay, I see you add a few new things" she said as I nodded knowing that I didn't get undressed

"yeah I still..... Wait did you say-" I cut myself off as I felt my tail and horns "I'll be out in a minute mam" I said as I closed the door as I took out my scroll and switch to camera to see red, black and silver scales, horns that look more demonic and my tail as I tried to turn back but no luck

"and my abilities are malfunctioning now" I said as I threw a weak punch as the was a little force but nothing new

"my powers are still sealed meaning I'm still in basic with a few changes but since they think this is cosplay I should be good" I said as I went to the bathroom did my think got dressed and left as I went down to the dining room to see the two girls the kind humans and Issei 'huh I've already forgotten there names from the show and since I'm not going to be here long they don't matter'

"ah Ruby I see you haven't been slacking off huh they almost look real" the man said as I nodded

"thank you, it took me most of the night, but it seems that I've used the wrong kind of glue and they are stuck to my body" I said pulling on my horns as the lady got worried

"oh dear maybe we should take you to the doctor" she said as I shook my head

"no do not worry about it, this has happened before maybe a few too many times, but they should fall off in time for now, I'll just have to wait" I said as they nodded as I sat down

(Issei POV)

'what is wrong with me, I can't stop shaking, my body is telling me to run, run and hide forever but at the same time it's like I'm sitting in front of a monster that would kill me if I dared to speak, look it in the eye or even move am I going to die' I thought

[it's because of that girl, ever since last night she's been releasing some sort of energy l do not know what it is but what I do now is that it's dangerous, so I'm telling you this once and only once, do not in under any circumstances anger her because if she is able to release this at a state that she thinks shes holding back to a humans level, I would not want to see what she can do overcome with rage, follow her order as if she was your God issei] Ddraig said as I forced myself too look at the girl but as I did she looked into my eyes it seemed as if I was staring into a void as I began to shiver

"Issei what wrong!?" rias said as she hugged

"insect" she said as the door ball rang

(Mc POV)

"Ruby are you not going to school with the others" the lady said

"actually shes-" I cut rias off

"no I've already graduated from college" I said

"oh that wonderful your parents must be proud"

"they probably won't be since they think I'm still in school" I said so they won't ask any unneeded questions as the door ball rang, they went to see who was at the door to find the females of Rias slave as I just looked at them with a face of disgust

'look at them so happy to serve, to follow every order given to them, like hungry dogs tch they disgust me, to allow yourself to be a slave' I thought

"disgusting" I said as I got up went to the room got my weapons and cap and left but before I left I felt something that caught my interests but it would have to wait

"now to find thaaaaaaaat... Found him" I said as I turned in my rose form and flew to his location not noticing my black roses

He was in a house surrounded by something not that I cared as I smashed into the house

"what the hell" a voice said as I reformed as I looked at him, he was in bed with a female, naked

"you leave" I said to the lady as she looked pissed as she got out of bed and made her way to me

"you've got a lot of nerve human, to think you canahhhhhhhh" she cried out as I shot her in the stomach as she dropped to the floor bleeding everywhere

"if your organs are at the same location as humans you should live, no leave, before you loss your head" I said as I pointed Ruthless at her face

"it's okay Pam, I can handle this, leave" he said with a serious look in his eyes as she teleported away

"honestly could you have not wanted an hour or six" he said as he got out of the bed got dress and sat on it

"no those disgusting things that would sell themselves come to the house I was staying" I said as he sighed

"yep your definitely a dragon" he said as he looked at me

"yes anyway, I realized that the information I asked you for will be useless to me, but your weapon is not" I said as I held the dagger in my hand as I could feel the soul inside shaking

"and why would I-"

"I come from a world so advanced that we where able to build AI that had souls, now for your help in showing me you research, I will offer my knowledge to you, and maybe you can make something that's not just a cheap knock off" I said as he looked at me with irration at first then he thought about what I had just said

"well do you have any-" he was cut off as I threw my scythe at him as it dug into the wall with the blade glowing red as it began to slide down the wall slicing the wall

"what is" he said as he looked at the weapon in the wall

"Carnage my own creation, she uses high frequency vibration to separate the molacale bonds of objects meaning , no matter how strong you are or how hard your defense is" I said as I pulled my baby back as there was a growling coming from her

"you'd be able to cut through them, but there must be something that you can't cut right if the level stays the same right" he said as he looked at me as I simply smiled

"how said it does"


"I live in a world over run with so many types of monsters that I had to adapt at some point, the blade frequency gets higher with every hit and hotter to so I created a way to store that heat short term" I said as the groves of Carnage glowed orange as it released some steam

"yeah and you said you made that right"


"then why do you need me"

"I made some miscalculations when making her it seems that her core is....." I said as she cold down as I took out a dim red ball Carnages core 'since I opted for power the core is some what unstable and is constantly releasing energy'

"Not enough, she drains to much and I've got a good 2 minute before she has to go on cool down mode and if I'm fighting something on that white armored snake bitch level or more, I would have to use my powers" I said as I gave him the core

"I think I understand what you mean, there is some sort of energy being released at a crazy"

"yes a little to fast for the recharge" I said

"so how did you solve that problem, do you have a few hundred of there's with you or something"

"no making these thing a not as easy to make as you may think, if I'm off by even a micrometer the explosion could level a city" I said as he looked at the core then gave it to me

"so what did you"

"I installed a system that would seal the core if it energy readings got to low, it seals the core up and contains the energy so it stays in the core" I said as I place the core in Carnage and left her open as my system kicked in as the core was sealed up

"may I" he said as he reached for my baby

"give me a second" I said as I opened her back up

"what are you doing" he said as a hologram appeared as I began to type

"disabled her defense"


"yeah, I made it so she blows up or electric you with a lot of power" I said with an evil smile as I threw him the weapon as it lit up with a growl as he almost dropped it

"a weapon like this-"

"I don't care, are you willing to share or do I have to find someone who can" I said as I was getting tired

"you wont-"

"I have super speed I can find that son of yours and force him to give me the location of his group of whatever and get there help within the hour you where just the quickest option" I said as he dropped his smile and looked at me

"you would help those-" he was cut off

"I don't care, this is not my world, I am only a visitor here and could leave at any moment" I said as he sighed and covered his face

"fine, I will help you in anyway I can in exchange you give me something" he said as I looked at him

"deal for now I'm quite interested in this world so tell me about it" I said as he sighed

"huh I'll tell you later, for now I have to tell the princess something and you are coming with me" he said as we teleported to the old school building as he went to sit on the chair behind the desk as I took a mange from the shelf and went to a corner and waited for a few minutes as the doors opened with the red head and her slave as everything went like the show I think

As Azazel told them that the female would be living with Issei, showing off his arm and telling them that they are his responsibility which the red head didn't like

"oh and Ruby will also be living with you" he said as a wave of darkness spread through the room as the walls began to crack and the windows exploded as the red head and her slave dropped face down on the floor as they looked like they were dieing

"now now Ruby, I know you don't like it but, I want you to get use to them so when we go to the underworld, it would be a problem if you started killing devils" he said as the darkness disappeared as the didn't get up due to the fear they felt

"huh fine" I said as pushed my hair back "now let go I've got a few things I want to try" I said as he nodded

"are they going to be" he said pointing at the group

"yes I think, I've never done it to this degree before, but you seem fine" I said as this was the first timeive used my fear darkness so much but its good training

"hahaha, no I'm not, if anything that was worse then when I fought the two dragon emperor" he said as he teleported us away to his lab

(weeks later)

It's been a few weeks now, I spent the first two weeks in the lab, but Azazel kicked me out saying that he couldn't keep with me and needed sleep so I went back the house and explained to Issei parents that I had a project that need me to be there as the mother hugged me saying that she was worried about me, which I told her that this may happen in the future since whatever I'm doing may need me for days at a time as she nodded

After that there was the other irritations I had to share a house with, I've been so close to killing them but I have breaking bones like

(flash back)

I was simply sit on the couch relaxing watching some anime and to be honest it was complete shit well the knock off one but the others where the real deal and were pretty good

'huh it's been a week and Azazel still out and won't allow me in the lab even though I'm so close to a break through' I said as I say up from the couch as three slave came into the living room the black haired, blue and white

"huh annoying" I said as I stood up and began to walk away as a bolt of electricity past through me hitting the wall

"oh I missed I really thought I could punish you and that duty mouth of your" the black haired said as I looked around

"no I can do that here... I believe there is a training room below us" I said as I nodded turned into roses, grabbed them and phases threw all the floors as we appeared in the training field

"huh since you wish to fight so badly I may as well give you that" I said as they looked around

"we will start at the drop of the glove, I don't care if you fight back or not" I said as I took of my glove and threw it in the air as I got ready no weapon just hands as I watched the glove fall as it hit the ground I disappeared and reappeared in front of the black haired with my fist back and a smile on my face as she tried to jump back but she was to slow as I punched her in the stomach cracking a few ribs as she rocketed back, I had to slow down or my fist would have gone threw her

"AKANO!" the other two girls shouted as on draw a blue sword as they charged

The one with the sword was faster so she was able to reach me quickly as she jumped up to a downward strike as I covered my hand in aura and caught the blade as the ground beneath me was destroyed as this created a bust cloud

As the dust cleared to reveal me holding her sword in place

"what, how"

"while the sword is impressive, you focused on the wrong espect of yourself, but you intres

interest me" I said as I pulled her in closer and punched her in the stomach twice grabbed her head and kneed her knocking her out

The loli dashed at me from behind as I turned to look at her with a evil smile as my teeth and claws grew sharper darkness flowed from my body she stopped completely and started trembling as I rolled my eyes and took a step to the side as a lightning bolt struck the spot I was standing as I looked to see the black haired girl had gotten up with a sadistic smile as this pissed me off

"ha if you where smarter you would have stayed down" I said as I began walking towards her in a straight line moving my head or body to the side to dodge her attacks

As I got in front of her as she was to busy spamming bolt at me to notice that I was in front of her when she did she tried to fly away but I grabbed both of her wrist

"that sickening smile you had on your face is an insult to me" I said as I broke her wrist as she scared out in pain as I walked away

'Azazel said that they heal better than humans this should be no problem for them' I thought as I looked at the little girl still stuck in places as I walked up to her

"hy you" I said as I added a little silver to see how it would effect her as her ears and tail popped out as she purred a little and then looked at me with stars in her eyes

"I see so if my darkness is fear and dread and my light is the opposite huh whatever, anyways, get them some help, I now I slowed down my hits but I think they maybe hurt, so go get help" I said as she just looked at me as if she wanted to get closer

"NOW!" I shouted switch to darkness

"NYA" she meowed as she ran away maybe to get help after that I got scolded by Azazel saying that I shouldn't have hurt Akeno so badly or scared the cat so much and that I should have held back more as I agree with him then kicked him in the dick for wasting my time but after that I had to deal with Rias and Issei but they weren't hard to deal with as one was way to scared to say anything and the other gave up when you ignored her and yes I made some extremely loud headsets nothing like the ones I have at my world but they get the job done

The black haired got healed, she won't even dare to come closer to me as she grabs her wrists when we are in the same room

The blue haired has been challenging me which I agree and end up beating her ass and this always ends with her having broken bones laying on the floor bleeding heavily but she always comes back for more no idea why I guess she just likes getting her ass beaten but I don't mind she serves as stress relief and something else?

Anyways my condition has changed in the slights I still have my tail and horns but nothing more, I haven't gotten a chance to train since everything I tried in azazel gym was to light or slow so I just practiced on using other weapons but that only took me a week since superspeed and Azazel has limited my time in the lab to 46 hours a week so here I am lying on the couch in sweatpants and an oversized shirt with (fuck u) in the front since I had nothing to do

"I thought I would find you in here" Azazel said as he walked into the living room with the red haired and her slave with bags

"yep" I said as I ate chips that appeared in my hands

"you know you could do something with your time"

"like what" I said looking at him

"I dont know your a huntress right why don't you hunt a stray"

"I killed so many of them that they won't even get close and the ones that are here live normal lives so there's no need to kill them" I said as the red head stepped up

"what" red shouted but I ignored her

"then go make some friends"

"the creatures of this planet annoy me I only tolerate you all for the simple reason that it's the best and easiest option" I said without even looking as I was to busy with the show I was watching

"well that a little hurtful, but anyways I came here to tell you that we will be leaving for the underworld so go get pack" he said as I pointed to the side, to a backpack my scythe and guns

"when did"

"huh I may as well be called a goddess of speed, anyways let's go" I said as I got up from the couch took my things and walked over to them

"your going like that" the blonde pretty boy said as he pointed at my sweatpants and shirt

"yes is there a problem with it" I said to him as I raised my eyebrow

"no but the place where we are going has a lot of up tiet devils"

"oh I see then I'll just break there bones so they can understand not to fuck with me and since I am not with anyone and will be leaving this world I can, so shut up and let's go already, I want to see what's so great about the underworld" I said as Azazel just nodded as we teleported to a train station as I looked around then to the unimpressed

"huh is this all I was expecting more" I said as I crossed my arms

"you world has floating city and you are a genius that can out build most of the things I make and I'm using magic , I don't think there's anything that will surprise or impress you" he said a little defeated 'yeah his just angry that I was able to adapt to his research and add it to my own in a week and with that knowledge I was able to make a highly-unstable stable core which was a deep red color, I made it so that I takes in the magic in the air and use that as a secondary power source to boost the main one, so I just made my scythe that dangerous that even Azazel said that it could cut through a dragons scale, but what caught my attention was the way the white hair cat acted when I brought my scythe with me let's just say I had to knock her out cause her reaction was not a good one, yeah turns out my new core draw in a lot of the negative energy so much so that it creates a thick bubble around it, so much so that those around me get poisoned and go into a rage and for youkai it even worse so I had to count the energy with my silver powers which erased the energy so it was back to the drawing board, but I didn't destroy the core no I have it on me as I wrapped it in a thick layer of silver energy so it's completely safe and would last a week before it breaks through '

"point but I thought that being that live for so long could make something I don't know better, I guess my expectations were to high" I said sighing in disappointment as I felt the red haired get a little angry

"whatever let's go and please Ruby control yourself" Azazel said almost bagging

"we'll see" I said as I took my cap from my bag as I gave it too a devil that loaded bags

"and the rest human" he said in an arrgent way as I looked him in the eyes as I reached for my scythe as my darkness flowed off my as he began shaking and dropped to his knees

"and to think I was so willing to not kill, but I have no passions for those lower than me" I said as a hand grab my shoulder

"c-can you calm down, your scaring everyone" Azazel said as I sighed and my darkness disappeared

"she's with me" he simply said as the man nodded as we walked into the train

"this is going to be so hard" I said

"yeah, anyways, I'm going to put you with the gremorys since you can tolerate them as you say since putting you in another car will most definitely end in a masecic, which means I'd have to deal with it so just keep yourself busy, I have somethings to do" he said as he dropped me off at the gremory car as I went to a window sit and sat down took out my phone I stole from azazel and began playing games completely ignoring everyone and thing but the blue haired girl tried to speak with me but I ignored her but she soon left after an hour and that was because she was called

Anyways the ride wasn't bad but it was slow but as we were riding I felt an energy wrap around the car as I sighed stood up placed my phone in my pocket and headsets on my neck as I stretched a little as they looked at me confused the whole train went dark as we where teleported to a random location as it was covered in ice but we where dropped from the sky as I sighed hitting the ground as I shattered into roses and reformed as the others landed I went to the side since there was something coming so I decided to let them handle it and if they fail I would and they will I'll take over

Anyways I decided to hang back to enjoy the show to bring back some old memories but the dragon came and began attacking them but I got bored quickly as the dragon kicked there asses the blue head one was able to tank dodge dish out attacks, she was able to out last the others and buy them time to charge at there last ditch effort which was the pervert and the black haired girl doing a combination attack as it hit they began celebrating except the blue haired girl as she was still ready

"what are you idiots celebrating for, your attack barely scratched it you disgusting wastes" I said as they looked at me as if wanting to say something but I pointed at the dragon as the smoke cleared revealing an uninjured dragon as I walked towards the dragon with scythe in hand

"I gave you a chance to at least do something but you all are as disappointing as I thought, now watch a true huntress slay" I said as I ran toward the dragon as it fired fire balls at me as I dodge them as I activated my scythe spinning it around, as I looked like a red blur passed between his legs slicing into them as he used his tail to slam me but it passed through me

As I began to run around slice and cutting his legs till he fall on the floor with legs heavily bleeding

As he roared out in anger as it pushed me a little bit back as I felt a hand coming towards me extremely fast as I jumped back as the hand smashed the ground creating an dust explosion

As I touched the ground I pushed off it dushing to the hand as I got on top I it and stabbed my scythe deep into it as it cried out, I began to run up and around the dragons arm while my scythe was still in it as it ripped through flash as blood oozed out

As I got to the elbow I jumped away as it used its free hand to try an squash me as I was in the air it look at me as it opened its mouth as a jet of red flames came out aimed at me

My wings pop out and pushed me to the side dodging the flames as I immediately threw my scythe at his uninjured arm as it wrapped around his wrist I pulled myself to it as the flames nearly got to me

I landed on his wrist as I took my scythe in my hand and made a bee line up usind a swiping motion to make hundreds of cuts into the arm as it roared again as it looked at me and released a jet of flames at me as I span my scythe in front of me extremely fast creating a shield after that I jumped out of the flames and threw scythe at its face as it saw this coming and moved its head to the side as my scythe passed it exploded right in front of its eye, not wasting a second I pulled my scythe back then threw it at the other side of the dragon as it hooked into its cheek swing and got in line with the side of its face as I turned into roses a flew towards it breaking the sound barrier, as I got closer I turned back and used my momentum to double kick it in the face focusing it to smash into the side of a mountain as it dug into it as I jumped away and landed as I dragon hit the floor

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Huh here you go a Sunday night chapter

Oh an comment s