(Ruby POV)

"I've got to say Ruby, that girl of yours is really something" Shiva said as we teleported into the ice lands as I looked around to see all the monsters, demons of different kinds and giants created some that looked like dragons with multiple head, some where made out of the elements

"ohhh I'm sure it would kill her if she saw this but she'll get her chance" I said as I smiled as Azazel teleported in

"hy sorry I'm late had to drop Xenovia off"

"no worries, you're just on time" I said as I disappeared and appeared atop a mountain as I stretched my arms out

"all of you..... KNEEL" I said as a giant beam of darkness shot out of me and into the sky as the clouds turned red with black lightning flashing wildly as the wind picked up creating tornado as the dimensions became unstable as all the creature dropped to there knees those that were in the air quickly flew down as they kneeled or bowed to me as I looked around and couldn't help but laugh


"are you done" Azazel said as I turned around to see that they where now projections, holograms

'they must have teleported away.... Smartest thing they could have done'

"eat my ass" I said as I gave him the middle finger

"so when did you know you could do something like this"

"I've been experiment with my darkness ever since I got to this world, with animals, demon beasts, gods and devils, I've been testing on what wave link I have to use to get obedience, too much the subject dies or is to afraid to do anything, to little and they freeze in fear but if I get the sweat spot I rule with fear on my side, but I have a question for you Azazel"


"this will be a war on all fronts, thousands of your people will die are you okay with that"

"no Im not, this is single handly the worst plan I've ever made and I know I will hate myself for allowing it, but I'm no fool Ruby, I know this piece we have is nothing the hate all religions have for one another is stronger and its all because the old still live and are able to spread that hate"

"and so you are giving them someone they can aim there hate at and hopefully they will come together as one to stop me, smart but I'm still missing something" I said as I looked at the black hole like portal

"yeah I was planning on allowing Rizevim Livan Lucifer to release on his idiotic plan but that man is to unstable, so you where the better evil Ruby" Shiva said as I went into the portal as I appeared in front of a large beast with characteristics coming from different animals like a lion, a leopard, a bear, a dragon, seven heads with ten horns, and seven long thick tails of different shapes. It also has four stout arms and two legs that are even thicker than its arms. Its main body is that of a primate leaning forward and is covered in black fur and what appears to be scales all over its body. Its size is well over several hundred meters, making it significantly larger than even Great Red, it was held down by chains of different sizes

"so this is the monster huh" I said as I touched its body as I closed my eyes

"yes 666 Trihexa, the Apocalyptic Beast or Emperor Beast of Apocalypse pick one they are all correct, this monster is one of the strongest and most unstable beasts ever to be created, it's power is so massive that it can destroy the world allown, it's unkillable and the only way it could be stopped was with thousands apron thousands of forbidden seal to stop it" Shiva said as I looked at its as I felt something

"I see" I said as I closed my eyes as my body glowed silver as I pushed my silver eye power into it as I woke up and began thrashing about but the seals held a few broke but held as I pushed in more of my power as silver wrapped around it and myself , as I blacked out and woke in a sea of darkness

"I see so I was right" I said as I felt an energy at as I flew to it as I got there I saw a child, a normal boy with ten horns and wing of different animals and dragons

As I moved closed he walk up and lounged at me as I caught him and brought him into a huge as he bit into my neck

"it's okay Im here to help okay" I said as I pushed my silver energy into him as the world around me began to crack as my silver spread out as it covered everything as he stopped and fell asleep as he grabbed on to me, as I woke up with my silver power still around me as I began to absorb it back into my body as the last drop entered I looked around for the giant monster to see that it had disappeared and in its place was a 3 year old boy, with black and silver hair, a pair of horns pointing backwards

"huh you took a lot of my power little one" I went up to him and picked him up as I disappeared and reappeared, in the ice lands to see the monsters still kneeling

"ohhh for goodness sake, CARRY ON AS YOU WHERE I HAVE NO NEED FOR YOU AT THIS MOMENT, DISAPPEAR" I shouted as they quickly got up and ran away as Shiva and Azazel teleported to me

"you pair of bitches ran away" I said as I looked at them as they looked at each

"ohhh and what the fuck where we supposed to do huh" Azazel said a little pissed0

"I a second I saw multiple futures where it broke out and.... Let's just say I didn't die well" Shiva add as she grabbed his arm

"anyways who's the kid"

"666 himself" I said as they got on the defensive

"ohhh don't worry I figured out why he was the what he was"

"explain please"

"well first of all I was planning on using my darkness to turn him into my slave and use him in this war, but as I got a better look I felt something and when touched him, I felt a range of negative emotions but the strongest ones where, pain, sadness and regret" I said as the two looked at each other

"well while Ophis was born in the void and great red by dreams, this one was created form all the negative action in the worlds" Shiva said as I nodded

"huh I see, Azazel can you do me a favor and move Xenovia and Asia out of the Hyoubu house and into a house of there own"

"sure" he said as he disappeared

"so what are you planning to do with him are you planning on giving him to Xenovia and Asia"

"yes, if my theory is correct, he have the mental capacity of a three year old or young, so I need to insure he can live and know he is loved and cared for, Asia has enough love and care for the world and we won't need to worry about protecting him Xenovia can do that on her own" I said as I gave the boy a pet on the head as a smile appeared on his face

"I did not see that one coming, like I saw you use your darkness to bend it to your will and destroy the world with it" he said as he looked at the sky


"to be honest I stopped planning for most things, since I'm more of a builder than a planner and while I can figure most things out with a single glance" I said with a smile

"yeah yeah yeah, you can stay in one of my houses in Japan ohhh and what about your machine"

"it creates a gravitational field around it to anything I wish, it also sucks up the negative energy to get more stronger" I said as Azazel appeared in front of us

"let's go" he said as he teleported us away and in front of a normal looking house as I scanned the area to see that it was complete safe and that Issei house was a good distance away and Asia and Xenovia where inside

"it's small to house a giant monster but it should work with all the magical spell all over it" I said as a blur ran out the house as I grabbed it and threw it to the side with out a care

"that was mean master" a long haired xenovia said as I appeared behind her and slapped at the back of the head

"24 years and you have forgotten who your talking to anyways come we have something to discuss, you two can leave" I said as I walked inside

"wait I still need to give the girl my blessing" Shiva said as Xenovia shook her head

"you can give it to Asia she's the only one that needs it the most" Xenovia said as Shiva sighed but nodded and clapped his hands together

"it's done, I'll be seeing all of you later" Shiva said as he left

"I also have to get going but I shall return later to check up on the kid"

"alright let's go inside" I said as we went inside the house but the second Asia saw me she froze up

"ahhh get over it, I'm not here to hurt anyone, just here to talk" I said as I went into the living room and sat down opposite Xenovia and Asia with the boy still sleeping as I explained the situation to them as tears flowed from Asia eyes

"so the reason why I came here is to drop him in your care" I said as the two where shocked at what I just said

"and before you ask, I trust you two more the Azazel to do this job since Azazel hasn't had the best track record of taking care of children"


"vali, so what do you say"

"of course we'll take him in miss rose, and I promise to show him as much love as humanly possible" Asia said as she stood up with determination in her eyes

"there was no reason to ask Master you already know that we would do this"

"good, now let's get this one to bed" I said as I got up, went to one of the bedrooms and placed him down and immediately when I let go he woke up

"ohhh and here I thought you wouldn't wake up, are you okay" I said as he looked at me with silver eyes as he nodded

"so you can understand me huh that good, makes things easier, my name is Ruby Rose behind me is Asia and Xenovia they will be the ones who will be taking care of you alright" I said as I got up and was about to leave but he reached out and grabbed my cap

"you don't want me to leave do you" I asked as he nodded as I gave him a head pet before I disappeared and reappeared again with a second cap in my hand

"here you go, it's not much but it should give you something from me and besides, Asia and Xenovia are the ones who will be taking care of you, as my time on this earth is limited to limited to take care of you even so I have a war to fight in but after that I've got a few days that I will spend with you okay" I said as I gave a pet on the head as he looked sad for a second before nodding

"good your not an idiot but remember treat Asia and Xenovia with care they will be look after you from now on and protect you from most things and I hope you'll also do the same, they are very dear to me okay??, wait I haven't given you a name or do you have one" I asked as he shook his head

"do you want me to give you one" I asked as he nodded extremely fast

"Fracture, how does that sound" I said as he jumped at me and gave me a hug

"good then I guess it's time to go oh and there will be an old pervert with black and gold hair, he'll also be helping you okay, I'll also tell him to give you some of my books" I said as he nodded

"Master I don't think a child has the mental capacity to read those, hell not even Azazel can understand some of your work"

"oh don't worry, he's got it, anyways it's time for me to go" I said as he let go as I kneeled and gave him a head pet

"see you later little guy" I said as Asia went up to the boy, kneeled to him as he looked at me as I nodded, as Asia gave him a hug as he accepted it and hugged back

"don't worry you'll be safe with us" she said as Xenovia and I left the room

"Xenovia when I leave I want you to insure that boy safety, I don't care if you burn the world down in doing so, protect for him for as long as he needs to be, okay" I said as she nodded

"good, then I'm off, ohhh and good job on getting stronger, I look forward to our fight, oh and get a hair cut, before I use you as a whip" I said as I disappeared

"don't worry Master I swear I will not disappoint you"

"XENOVIA COME INTRODUCE YOURSELF" Asia shouted as Xenovia ran into the room

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