[first floor clsared, would you like to claim your rewards]

'no' I thought as I was being carried by Yang as we walked to the second floor

'huh maybe I should take a look at there levels and ability' I thought as I used appraisal on them

'hm it seems that they are all level 7 and their HP, MP and SP are on the 17,000 to 20,000, while their stats are on the same level but it seems that level cap has caught up with them but there's something that pisses me off

[new skill necromancer

You are able to summon the dead to fight for you

Defeated enemies can be add but beings with strong souls can resist this]

'now this wouldn't be a problem since you know, Onyx is weak but we live in a world full of soulless monsters'

[those that are brought back receive a 2 times multiple and are able to regenerate but at the cost of MP]

'huh no, like what the fuck is this' I thought as I decided to ignore it for now as I looked at the rest of his stats

[goddess Faith has blocked your attempt]

'cute' I thought as his block disappeared and I was able to it seems that his Stat are only 2,000 high then the rest

'it seems that one can increase his stat to a certain amount before you have to level up again, but it seems that high humans can have a low level but still be in the same league as those in higher levels, but after a certain cap you must level up, in order to increase your power or get a skill which these asshole will get at some point and what is this goddess bullshit, does she somehow have influence' I thought as I hopped of Yang as I began to look around then my eyes landed on Penny who gave me a look and held out my hand before I signed to fast for the others to see but slow enough for her to be able to record and slow it down

'I'm getting bored of babysitting Pen, the point of coming to this dungeon was to get you, Nora and Yang to a certain level, but that mission got boring so I'm leaving' I signed as she looked a little sad

'stop that, this is not good bye more of a see you later' I side as she nodded so I went a wall

"that odd" I said as I touched the was and phased through it but it seemed like I was being pulled in

"RUBY!!" Nora and Yang shout as I went in and immediately went down to the first level

[error subject Ruby has violented the-]

"yes yes I know but I do not wish to be here at the moment, so we can do this in two different ways,

1 you allow me to leave and that will be the end of it

2 I force my way out"

[assessing threat level]

[threat level unknown] it said as I found myself outside

"good system" I said as I raised my finger to block an incoming blade, I smiled as I looked at my attacker, his face showed shook as he tried to move back but I was faster, I grabbed his leg and dushed to a tree and slammed him into it at Mark 2

"your luck must suck huh" I said as I appeared in front of him before I kicked him through six tree and into the side the mountain, as I moved closer I stopped as he dug himself out the wall, extremely injured but his wounds slowly healed as I got a better look at him, white hair, white skin, black vains all over his body and...

"well that's strange" I said as my smile got bigger

"silver eyes" I said as the boy looked like a male Salem with silver eyes he also had Rens body type

"so that thing can make children" I said as I could feel his anger riase

"Lile" he said as a giant nevermore dropped down from the sky and swollened me

"good job Lile, now let's get to the opening before it closes" he said as he was fully healed up and being to walk away but the bird didn't move

"Lilie" he said as the bird mouth began to slow opened until it fully opened to reveal Ruby

"it seems you also have her power yo control these things" I said as the bird tried to close it mouth

"and a powerful one at that" I said before I took a deep breath and exhausted a red flame down its throat as the flames shot through it burning everything in it path, before I jumped out of its mouth as I landed the spawn appeared in front of me with electricity flowing of his body as I side stepped

"you have super speed" I said as he didn't say a word before time slowed as he tried to slice me, I lazyly side stepped his attack

"DIE" he shouted as he jumped into the air with his sword above his head as he dropped his sword down, through my body splitting my body in two as I shattered into roses and appeared behind him unharmed

"your fast I'll give you that but" I said as a cut appeared around his neck

"in the world of speed I am dimension above everything" I said as blood spread out of his neck as his head flew off his neck and the nevermore dropped dead on the ground

"weaklings" I said before I disappeared and appeared on a high tree a few miles away, as a portal opened near the body and the grimm queen herself appeared out of it

"this is the perfect opportunity to test it out" I said as my eyes glowed silver as a silver aura formed around me before there was an explosion of silver energy that swollened up the forest and it was so quickly that they didn't have time to react

As it died down all grimm in the forest were gone including some monsters, I watched as they slowly healed up

"huh it seem that since they where once human they can handle... No survive my silver eyes, but Salem seems to have taken more damage then the kid, huh it's a shame I'll have to kill such a sexy creature, I could use her..... What the fuck" I said as little shocked at what I just said

"this must because of other me, I'll have to kill that part later on, but for now I need to take care of a few things, Neo should be close with completing her mission" I said as my wings popped out if my back and I blasted break the sound barrier heading for Vale as I got there I landed on one of the buildings as I spread my sense out

"ohh how cute his trying to hide from me" I said as I placed a little more effort

"found you" I said as I disappeared and appeared above an abandoned ruined city as I turned into roses and phased through the road into the unground city and reformed and walked into the hid out without being detected by any faunus

I went straight to his office hacked the door and opened it as I went to his chair and sat on it took out my scroll and hacked his system and the systems connected

"huh it seems that Roman was being starked by one of Selams goons, to bad they tried to hack into my device and gave me a perfect window" I said as I sent a few of my home made viruses to his system

"stupid, idiotic brats" Roman marched into the room pissed

"will now, what could this be about" I said as he jumped back and pointed his Cain at me

"dear Oum Ruby, you scared the shit out of me"

"really I hadn't noticed" I said without care

"how did you get in here, better yet how did you find me" he asked as I smiled

"there is no place on Remnant that you could hide from me" I said as I pointed to the seat in front of me

"so how have things been since I've been gone" I asked as he took a seat

"where have you been by the way" he asked as I looked at him

"that none of your concern"

"right, Neo has successfully taken over 89% of the criminal underworld as your orders and steps, there has been some resistance but those where meet with a painful death, I mean I didn't know she had that in her, the body of the-"

"she didn't I simply placed some instructions on how to get the most fear out of it" I said cutting him off

"yeah it work, the city is in your hands"

"i know now then, the laws I made are they being followed"

"yeah some of the white Fang tried to go against them but the all ended up die, not only that but it seems that you've had yourself a kingdom Ruby"

"huh to be honest it's main point was to fuck with Selams plans but it's more now" I said as I smiled as Romen moved back from his chair

"yeah anyways, I'm currently dealing with Cinder and her children, who think it's wise to go around killing ex-members and now I just found out they are going after one of my best informant"

"ahhh" I said nodding as I played on my scroll

"and you don't care, anyways I was wondering if you could save him for me" he said as I stopped playing and looked at him as my eyes went black for a second as he quickly looked down

"s-sorry i meant no disrespect"

"it's fine" I said as I got up and walked to the door

"I'm in a good mood today so I will do this for you" I said as I disappeared as he released a breath he was holding in

"I should remember who I'm speaking to" he said as I went to one of the hideouts, it was closer to the city but still hidden and this one like all the other was underground and had a lot of resources

"I'll wait for Penny and her father to make her a new body, for I'll have to prepare and I'll also create a few new weapons for myself" I said as I got to work

I created a function work station that would help me build a few advanced pieces of tech and a few bots that would make working easier, and made plans for seven types of weapons that where in production

"it's moving slower, but it's because it lacks a function AI which is Penny so it will take about a few days or hours for my babies to come out, for now I'll use the scythe and the sword" I said as I gave the bots a few instructions and left


"huh I should go and check on that man and make sure those idiots haven't killed him" I said as I walked a red portal opened in front of me

"RUBY" Raven shouted as she came out of the portal

"yeah what's up with you" I asked he as I yawned

"where's Yang, I haven't been able to open a portal to her it's like she"

"she's in one of the dungeon with her team, I was with them but got bored" I said simply

"huh I should have known, ever since magic return its been chaos and thinks to this system idiot, think they can challenge my rule" Raven said as I raised an eyebrow

"I see then I'll give you some advice, you already have an advantage when it comes to magic, so I'll tell you this, skills get stronger the more you use them for example" I said as I raised my hand to the side as a small fireball appeared

"this is a level one fire ball a beginner spell" I said as the ball began to get hotter as it turned red

"and this is a level ten, it uses the same amount of power as level one but its far more powerful so continuously use and experimentation is key, resistance also plays a big part to the point that if your resistance is high enough you became basically untouched" I said as the ball disappeared

"and how would one increase there resistance"

"continues self harm should solve your problem, and learn how magic flows, it should help" I said with a smile as I turned my head

"huh very will then ruby, inform me once they return" she said and made a portal and disappeared

"why does she have a portal for me?" I asked myself but sighed as my wings pop out of my back as I flew back to the city

"huh now where are they-found them" I sais as I saw Emerald rodding the old man that owns and works in every store

"strange old man" I said as I jumped down from a building and began to walk as they came out of an alley way but I pretend not to see them but Emerald saw me and as they got closer she bumped into me as I saw her hand to into my pockets and pull out my scroll

"ohh sorry about that" she said as I looked at her with a smile

"no problem and thank you" I said with a smile and quickly stole my scroll, her scroll, her wallet, and the old man's wallet as waked away, and I went to the old man

"hello sir I believe you lost this" I said as I handed him his wallet as he nodded with a smile and then gave me a card before he disappeared

"odd" I said before I got to the roof and followed the two as Emerald look angry

"I can't believe this"

"what that you got robbed by the one you where robbing"

"shut up Mercury"

"whatever, we still have a job to do Cinders orders, we'll look for the girl later" he said as she sighed before the changed direction and went to a book shop

"huh I can't give my identity out now can I" I said as my hair grow out and turned white, horns grow out of my head and white scales appeared all over my face with some makings and my eyes turned red

"suppress an element changes my appearance when I use my dragon mode" I said as I felt killer intent from the the shop

"I guess it time" I said as I jumped down from the building and went straight to the shop and knocked but no one answered

"rude" I said as I grabbed the lock and ripped it out and opened the door let out a little darkness out

"hello there tucky my name is Blank and I am the current king of the underworld" I said as I disappeared and appeared in front of the two, as the tried to run away

"now where would you two, be heading huh" I asked as they disappeared as I sighed and quickly grabbed them by there necks and began to squeeze

"such a worthless trick, words of advice, one can still sense your aura idiot" I said as Mercury tried to kick me, but his leg was ripped off before he could move

"huh I see you don't understand the situation you are in, don't worry I'll explain it to you" I said as we disappeared as I got to Roman's hideout as I threw them forceful into a wall as they slammed into it, breaking their aura along with a few bones, as everyone stopped working and turned to me

"hn now that I've got your attention, let me introduce myself" I said as I bowed

"my name is Blank, I am the ruler of the criminal underworld" I said as I released some of my darkness as fear took over

"now some of you may not have understand the new laws so I had to physically come here and tell you in person"


"if you do not follow my rules I will erase every single one of you" I said as my darkness disappeared as I held my hand out and a massive fire ball appeared as I launched it at there dust blowing it up most of there supplies

"have a good day everyone" I said as I disappeared

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yo sorry for the wait, two of my chapters got deleted somehow

(the app did it)

So I had to rewrite, couldn't remember what wrote and what I could was not enough so I changed the plan

Sorry but I hope you enjoy