Rose fall

"HAHAHAHA" Ruby charged forward slicing through grimm and faunus her blade slashing through aura and bone

"a monster"

"run... RUN" one shouted before a chain wrapped around his neck as there was a pull as his head went flying as the chain whipped around and grabbed a second

"HELP ME HELP ME AHHHHHH" he shouted as his body was ripped in two

"ohh sorry I guess I lost control for a minute there, it's just been a while since I allowed my bloodlust to take over" they turned to Ruby who didn't have a drop of blood on her, but she held a bloody scythe that leaked a dark aura

"but honestly you all seem in my way sooo... I can't have any witness so" she said as she took a step and disappeared

"you'll have to die" she said as they were sliced into pieces

"ohh that was a bit much" I said as I swang my scythe back releasing a shockwave that got ride of the blood and bodies, before I kneeled down and placed my hand on the train

"huh seems Raven going to make an appearance soon" I said as I focused on the fight between Yang and Neo

"hmm" I said as I sighed before I moved into the car and before I went to the shadows and watched as the fight began

'hmm Yang has the physical advantage, she fast and far stronger than Neo but' I said as Neo was basically playing with her

'Neo has skills and experience on fighting humans' I said as yang was sent into the roof of the car creating a dent which partly knocked her out as Neo smiled and began to slowly make her way over to Yang she pulled a sword out of her umbrella, but she was forced to jump back as a sword Slash ripped forward and Raven appeared as she looked at Yang before drawing her sword as Neo got annoyed as she got ready

'odd didn't she run away before.. I better stop this before it begins I need Neo alive' I thought as I placed my hand on the wall as roses began to gentle fall, which caused the two to stop

"Ruby" Raven said as Neo quickly turned to raven who sheath her blade as Neo did the same as she bowed and disappear

"we need to talk" Raven said as she walked forward creating a portal and walked in as I shifted and reformed outside the car

"off course we do" I rolled my eyes and began to skip forward as I got to the first car I noticed that it was a bit... Unprotected

'that was easy'

"is what I'd like to say" Ruby said with a sigh before she took a step to the side as a red Slash ripped passed her

"huh you didn't learn from what I did with the other trash" I said as I turned around to see Adem

"it doesn't matter because in the end" he appeared in front of me as I took out y scythe and blocked a sword an inche from my neck

"your just a another disgusting human" he said as he 'pushed' me back

"ohh really, mind saying that to sever" she said as she used her free hand to grab sever and quick pointed it at Adems face as she fire, there was a loud bag as Adem was able to dodge as the bullet went into the tunnel ceiling

"is the little stalker running away from a little girl" Ruby said as she laughed as Adem got up

"tch something like you should be allowed to exist" he said as I stopped laughing

"huh those are some big words for a stalker, dogs should know how to speak to a goddess" I said as I placed my hands together closed my eyes looking up

"but worry not lost scam, I who is she who has been honored shall pray for your stalker soul" I said as I took out both guns

"now get on you knees and scream" she said her face flowed with a black energy as a sharp tooth massive smile formed on her face as she began to fire but Adem blocked the shots, using his semblance

'he absorb the kinetic energy into himself, no wonder why his a threat, ohh his he's about to fire' I thought as I moved to the side as he unsheathed his blade releasing a red energy Slash that seemed to blanket the area of effect as I saw a focused slice speeding towards

'huh this is far more than what I origin thought... I guess the show did nuff him' I thought as I ducked under the Slash before I shot him with my scythe ready as we disappeared slices began to appeared at random points on the train and walls

"damnit damnit DAMNIT" Adem shouted as he was unable to land a single hit on Ruby who was still playing with him

As Ruby hooked his neck with her scythe as throw him into the wall as he bounced back before he was shot point blank, but he dodged last minute and jumped back

'ohh he's angry' I thought as he changed forward as I saw the build up of energy, as I throw my scythe into the air as I charged my arms and neck with aura

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE" he shout as he released he's semblance point blank which caused a slight explosion and a smoke cloud formed around them, as a scream shout out and as the smoke cleared Adems blade was a cm away from Ruby's neck but he's arm was completely crushed stopping it from reaching Ruby, as a line appeared on her neck before it healed

'right I'm not as powerful' I thought as the scar was worrying a bit, as I dropped him

"huh I think that's enough playing, I still need to stop the train" Ruby said as she walked passed Adem as she raised her hand and caught her scythe as it fall

"this.... This isn't over, AS LONG I HAVE BREATH IN MY LUNGS-" he couldn't finish as I grabbed his face and lifted him up as he punched and kicked as I blocked his attacks with aura

"blah blah blah annoying dogs should understand when they are given a bone, know your place" I said as I slammed him into the side of the wall and used the speed of the train to do the work of me as pushed him into the wall before I released him into a hole made with his body

'that's that asshole out of the way' I said as I took out my scroll


(ahhh Ruby how are you doing well highjacking my train)

"so and so"

(you know the men you and your friends took out went cheap)

"they were taken out by teenages"

(like your all normal, anyways what up)

"destroy the controls" I said as I heard a loud bang


"you have everything planned out correct"

(right but are you sure about this, a lot of people will die)

"huh since when do you care"

(I don't, but I forget that your not normal)

(in other news you do have a plan right)

"yes, all I need you to do is to sit comfortably, but I'll need Neo for a mission"

(you don't need to ask, anyways I don't really know what your planning, but what are my chances of surviving)

"high as long as you don't fuck up my plan"

(roman POV)

"wouldn't dream of it" I said as I hung up before neo appeared behind me as I sighed

"I'll handle it from here also she asked for you.. Don't know why said it's a mission" I said as she smiled before she disappeared

"... Why am I taking orders form a child again" I said as I head a loud bang as I felt a shift in my hat as I took it off and saw the top destroy

'that's why'

"some people can't take a joke huh" I said as I throw it to the side as I pulled out a second

(ruby POV)

As I placed Sever back

'seems uncle Qrow left us to deal' I said as I sighed before I took out my scroll

(dear miss Rose, once you have successfully disabled the bombs I want you to allow that train to crash) I blinked at the message

"really why though"

(you will be informed once calm) the second one said as I sighed

"huh of course" I said as I sat down and felt the others where fighting Roman on the car below me

"now the annoying part"

(Ruby, were are you)

"most of the goons came top side, and the number of grimm made it harder to get there, but you guys seem to be in the control room"

(we are but the controls are destroy)

(also we could use some help)

"I see, might as well crash"


(we can't let the train crash)

"shut up and let me finish, the most we can do is shave off about 60ks, weight and speed goes hand in hand, in other words, we are to heavy to slow down"

(so whats the plan)

"hmm we have no choice but to crash"


"I use my aure to shield us while you brace, this will bring us up top safely" I said

(right can you do it)

"enough" I said as I placed my hands on the train

"brace for impact" I said as I sighed

"it could be worse" I said as I saw the dead end as I stood up, before we slammed through


"so you saved Yang you big softy you" Qrow said as he sat on a building with Raven

"shut up idiot, also why didn't you kill all the grimm you do understand that ozpin will ne held responsible for this"

"orders seems Ruby gave Oz a heads up before we got on the train"


"he wants to check something"

"what could he be planning" she said said before they heard a loud explosion as I saw a red figure shot out of the ground before it seemed to back flip and land next to them

"could have done better... 6 out of 10" qrow said

"you didn't rake them all out"

"nuh but you got this right" he said as a nodded


"I know I know I tell yang you love her" I said as I turned around before I back flipped off the building as I took out my gun