Kill the girl

Evans pov

It has been a whole day, i was kept locked here. I was not offered water let alone be food. Or they have not even opened my chains so that i can lay down for a while. The blood flow of my hands in the opposite direction was making them numb.

The only thing that was continuous was the water mixed with salt and spices on my back. That was the only thing that's making me realize that I was still alive.

How much time had passed, when the day finally came. The same guard who had tortured me came to fetch me. His eyes were still boring holes into my body.

Two men came and opened my chains.

"Follow me" he ordered and i knew not to annoy him for now, i need to behave like an obedient slave so that they did not change their mind to sell me.

When I stood straight ready to follow him, the same two guards held my hand and bound them in a rope. Each hand's rope was attached to my legs and waist and then the other end of the rope was held by a guard. They started dragging me with them.

Once they were satisfied with my hopping and walking strangely, they nodded and continued to drag me. It was too difficult to climb stairs this way but somehow I managed.

Soon we reached a lobby with a long narrow passage. It had been days since I last saw the light. So when I was taken out of the passage, the bright rays of sun almost blinded me.

There was an open goods carriage, and more than a dozen boys and girls were standing in front of it. Each of them was bound just like me. They all were looking scared. While the younger ones were crying, the eyes of the older ones were blank. All seven girls were wearing sheer clothes, while five boys were bare chest like me.

"Move on, we do not have a whole day to waste here." said the guards pushing us. I was the first one to be thrown in and my face hit the surface straight, making my forehead hurt in the process. I could feel the metallic smell and wetness on my forehead. Looking at my condition, others followed, afraid that they would be dragged like animals too.

Soon we all entered the carriage. It hardly has space for thirteen slaves, not to forget two guards who boarded it with us. So we all were almost touching each other's laps. The cramped place was rather enjoyed by the guards, who took the chance and pulled girls on their laps, roaming their hands on her almost bare bodies and touching them inappropriately.

I closed my eyes as I could not see the crying and discomforted face of the girls. It hurts my morals but I knew even if I fought them and stopped all this, they would all be sold and I could do nothing about that. Never in my life have I felt this useless and weak.

"Do not take them. Mr. Robinson wanted every woman to be a virgin this time. They are sold at a better price in black market." said the other guard when he saw the first guard was almost on the verge of taking the youngest girl in front of everyone.

My hands held the corner of the carriage so tightly that blood started to drip out of my hands.

"All of you, we are about to reach the black market. So, you better control your activities. Mr. Robinson would be there and will check each good personally" came the voice from the other side of the carriage.

The girls started crying badly with the way she was treated. The guard, instead of feeling guilty, felt angrier, and slapped her hard! A sound of smack resounded in the air.

"This is nothing. Soon you will get the taste of hell. So, better learn to adapt to these things. Don't you dare to open your mouth and make a fuss over these things. You are nothing but an object to please others." he held her chin and spoke in a low and threatening voice that even the sons of her were burning in her throat.

The girl bit her lips to keep her sobs in control. But tears were continuously falling from her eyes.

"Look at this man, isn't he looking more handsome. Look at his muscles, he would soon be sold at the highest price.`` I felt his fingers on my face and then it moved towards my chin.

I just closed my eyes and let the feel of the touch go but the man was adamant. I moved my leg and the man who was lost in touching the girl nearby me fell on the ground. He realized that I did that knowingly and slapped hard on my face. I could feel blood filling my mouth. My hands struggled and the rope was loose. My hands were free now, but I still behaved as if I was bound.

When I stayed silent, his eyes moved from me and went to the other slaves. I brought my knees close to my face and hid my face in it as if I was crying but in reality, I freed myself from all the ropes.

Now all I need is a chance. The moment the carriage passes through a busy lane, I will jump out of the carriage. My eyes were glued to the road.

When the carriage crossed the town, I stood up, surprising them and before they could say anything, I jumped out of the carriage. They all looked at me surprised when I rolled on the ground till a distance and then stood up.

"Wait." they shouted but i did not care, i could feel the blood soaking my knees but i just stood up to run towards the other direction.

"Take one more step and I will kill this girl?"