Sold 2

Evans pov

I could hear the sobs of the other girls on the line, waiting for their turn. I knew there must be something happening on the stage that I did not know or could see due to my condition.

Soon there was only one slave left as I continued to hear the sobs of the slaves. And some clapping from the stage. The man kept introducing the qualities of the slaves as if they were nothing but a product that was meant to be sold.

"This one is special. She was born in a wealthy family so she had been well taken care of. Her skin is supple and soft. If you sleep with her, you would not feel the rashes that low level slaves have. She is a good companion of bed and to reassure yourself a few of you can come and check the quality of goods.'' I was just standing behind the girl as it was my turn. I saw how a few old men walked towards the stage and pressed her breasts. They pinched her firm breasts and raised their hands here and there.

I felt embarrassed and ashamed just by standing there. Now that I know why she was sobbing hard, I felt like beating each and everyone of them who were treating girls like nothing but a piece of flesh. I have never thought that a human can be degraded this much.

"Now we will start the auction of this beautiful fallen princess." announced the man and the viewers started raising their boards.

"100 gold coins by number 13."

"150 gold coins by number 21" they kept valuing her. It was not like gold coins were cheap. I have only seen bronze and a few silver coins in my poor life but still it felt like it was not enough to cost a life

"500 gold coins one, 500 gold coins two, 500 gold coins three. And the girl is sold to the table number 10, the beautiful duchess of the empire.'' I shivered at the name. She was the same villainess duchess they were talking about all this time. I just hoped that the girl would not be tortured like they were telling about in their stories and I didn't care if I should be selfish, but I was happy that she had purchased other slaves so she would not buy me.

The girl was dragged back down the stage into the other side with an aged man following them. I continued to look at her until they turned left and I could not see them anymore.

"What are you doing there standing, huh? Start walking in the center of the stage!" shouted the man behind me as he pushed me hard that I almost stumbled with the chain on my body.

I somehow reached the stage when they took out my chains and moved me towards the crowd. Only now did I see a sheer amount of the people sitting there. It was like a grand theatre I have once attended as an extra member who played cello. There was a large place to sit and there were balconies above for VIP members with numbers written on the balconies. The people were sitting in the dark that could not be seen.

My eyes unconsciously went to number 10, the number of duchess and stayed there.

I did not know why but it gave me some peace to not look at the crowd but towards a darkened corner.

"This is one of the rare gems you will ever find in the slave establishment. Look at his silver hair, they shine more than silver or moonlight at night. His blue eyes were too bright and his skin was fair skin. He could be the perfect sex slave. A bed warmer you have ever dreamt of. A lover as handsome as experienced could make your moments full of pleasure.

He is highly skilled in serving both women and men. And the one who has sadistic tendencies would love enjoying tormenting his blemish free skin. As you can see" the man turned me and then started roaming hands on my body. "He is just perfect. So I hope we will get a better amount from the last slave."

"300 gold coins by number 30!"

"Anyone who is willing to spend more on him?" asked the man as he looked at the balconies.

"Eight hundred gold coins by number seven!"

"Thousand gold coins by number 2!" I was surprised to hear double the amount from the last girls. I have heard others saying that men were sold at lower cost than women because there are many men here to buy women but only a few women want man slaves.

But there was an exception. There were a few men who were interested in men and paid a good price for them. I shivered at the thought. My eyes went to balcony number two and then to number 10 who have not taken part in the bidding even once.

The bidding went up slowly, the number of golds moving higher and I could see the excitement on the face of the man who was ready to throw me in the middle of the wolves who would eat us like a piece of meat.

"Told you this is a rare gem. So is there anyone who will bid higher?" I wonder how much higher was he expecting when the bid had already reached 2000 gold coins and at the same time what was I expected to do that they were ready to spend so much on me!?

My heart was beating so hard whenever that thought crossed my mind. No! I would not wait that much. I will run away the moment I find a chance after getting sold and then run far from this town, never to return back to this hell.

"2000 gold coins, one. 2000 gold coins two. 2000 gold coins t.." the man was about to hit the hammer when his mate elbowed him and pointed at the balcony.

"10,000 gold coins by number 10."