Anything you say

Evan pov contd.

Though I was talking humbly to them, I could feel their malicious aura getting stronger. I tried to hide the kid behind me but he was too stubborn to listen and glared at me when I tried again.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" he snarled at me when I glared at him.

His voice was loud enough to get the attention of the whole carriage and the knights walking around the carriage.

"Why is it always you that I find whenever I am poisoned?" a mocking laugh reverberated in my ears and I turned only to find the lady peering through the window of the carriage with a smirk while drops of blood were falling from her mouth.

"You are injured again!" I tried to run towards her but the knight in front of me took out the sword from his scabbard and blocked my way.