Abandon me

Scarlet pov

"I request you to sell me your slave as he could be a great physician." to say that words surprised me would be an understatement. 

"I know that you have paid a large amount for him which we can not return to you. But we will try our best to compensate you." continued the lady with an apologetic smile when I did not reply to her.

"And who said that my slave is on sale?" I asked back with a raised brow and she pursued her lips.

"I do not sell what is mine, especially humans. When you told me that you belong to the medical field, i thought, you might be different.`` I snorted and turned to leave when she called me again.

"I am buying him for a good cause, not to warm my bed like others!" I knew very well that by others, she meant me! Not only her, everyone thought that I only buy men for my lust but I shook my head.