Ready for the war

Scarlet pov cntd.

"Do not dream! There is no war and even if it is.. You are not going to join it. You are not even a student now and yet you are confident that you will be trained enough to participate in war? What gave you that confidence?" i asked with a scoff but he did not reply and when i thought that he would not reply me anymore, he mumbled, 

"I will show you what I am worth, my lady!" with that he turned and left.

I shook my head as I ate the cake. "He will get what I meant soon!" I mumbled as I stood up and walked to the bed.

Changing my clothes, I laid there silently while thinking about the strategy to reach the boundary as soon as possible.

I stood up and jotted down all the necessary information. I could not trust the knights sent by his majesty. I had to be strong enough to participate in the battle and win it by myself.

I rubbed my forehead as my eyes turned heavy. I could feel that a headache was about to form.