Lets leave finally!

"Yes! They were already searching for you when we left from there and the doors had tight security. They would realize that it is you and then I would not be able to save you from the bloodhounds. So it is better that you leave!" 

So far! I have been working so much and trying my best to do everything only to know that I have failed in the end and now I have to accept defeat!? What the hell! Did they think that I would let the matter go so easily!

If I decided to stay in the water, then it would be only a matter of time when the souls would start to attack me soon. My energy had already been finished. What if I lost it completely!?

"No! I will not wait here and I can not let you go!`` I shook my head but a defeated smile formed on his lips.

"I have no choice, but I have to take him first to the other side of the doors.'' He looked like a helpless old man who had no choice but to do the bidding of others.