Fly higher

I wanted to shout and be free, I wanted to hold him and enjoy myself. I did not know what I truly wanted.. To hold on or to let go?

My hands were trying to hold his back but the pressure was too much for me to bear. All this was too much. He was still moving over me. To get better access, his hands were holding my back. Though he was not touching me directly. There was nothing in between except my thin undergarment and his pants.

I could feel his manliness and I was sure it was too large for me to handle. I opened my mouth to protest but only the moans left my lips. 

But my body was withering for its relief. It felt like he was taking me higher and higher on the journey I did not understand. His speed was slow at start but it soon increased its pace. It was so fast and needy that I felt my whole body burning and my throat parched.