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Scarlet pov

"Would it be enough?" I heard Evan ask and shook my head. When did he start to be so nervous? Wasn't he asking me to kiss in front of everyone just a few minutes ago?

"That is more than enough. See, many beasts had already crossed the barrier." I pointed at the hole from where the beasts were walking out of the woods for the first time in his life. They have  amazed reactions on their faces as if they could not believe that they have got another life! 

They have never thought that they would be able to see the outer world. Their faces had hopes, anticipation and fear at the same time that they were not even able to react for a long time but they just continued to stand there. 

As if standing there would solve all their problems.

"You know we do not have that much time right?" I spoke in a bit loud voice and they flinched but nodded their heads.