Needless to say, the day of my "Birth" was not a pleasant one. Hit on the head repeatedly, insulted by my creator, then violently thrown from wherever I was into a tiny cave in the middle of nowhere. But I digress.
Waking up in darkness, I noticed three things.
The floor was cold.
I was feeling full.
I was blind.
User must authorize energy use to claim unoccupied regions...>
"What happens if I spend my energy to claim the space?" I wondered aloud.
"Yes. Claim the space then."
Energy - 0/5>
Suddenly, I could see again! Wow, what a shitty cave.
I was currently resting in a small puddle. My "dungeon" was a 5x5m cave with a small entrance at the front. The puddle I was currently sitting in was formed by water dripping from a large stalactite on the ceiling. The entire room was lit by a strange glow from the ceiling.
Ok, I can deal with this. Just gotta pick myself up, move around a bit, get used to the space.
Why can't I move?
Looking into the puddle, I saw my hazy reflection.
Ok. You're a glowing rock. You can deal with this. Just gotta figure out what you can do to deal with this. As I was racking my brain to find a solution, a strange, cheesy-sounding voice rang in my head.
Many Dungeon Cores choose to specialize, becoming a pure combat or pure resource driven Dungeon. Others choose to use their energies to craft and create unique traps, monsters and items for the adventurers to face off against!
As you expand your Dungeon, your inherent Dungeon Core Level will rise! Remember, your ultimate goal is not to slay those who enter, but to offer them a chance to gain from delving within you! Accidents happen, but the only way to gain Energy resources is for living beings to willingly enter your Dungeon and spend their own energies within you!
As you are the fifteenth, and final, Dungeon Core of this world, your designation shall be ORION!
Congratulations on your reincarnation, and Have Fun!>
Well, that was weird. Who would be happy about being exploited as a living resource for all of eternity? Fuck that.
I will be the one Dungeon NOBODY wants to bother with.