Chapter 12: Who Do You Want?

caution: slight knife and blood play

*June's POV*

Damnit! Where the hell am I now? I was in a white endless void the last time I remember, dried blood stained my weak body. I look at my surroundings. I know that I'm laying on a soft bed covered in crimson red sheets. And I think my wrists are tied up. I look at then and yeah, There's black fluffy handcuffs on each wrist connected to the bed. I can't move anything, I'm hungry and tired. It looks like I'm either in someones bedroom or someones sex dungeon. Because to the left of me, there's a wall that has different types of toys. Whips, vibrators, paddles, a dominant persons wonderland. I then see a small table that has a few different types of knives, big and small. I start to get uneasy.

I see that my naked body is already covered in cuts, deep and small, old and new. A heart was carved into my skin that damn demon Mari cut it into me! What is she going to do to me now?

I hear a door open and in comes Mari, wearing a leather one piece and thigh high boots that make her look tall and slender. Her hands and arms are covered in long black gloves. Her long wavy hair is tied up in a high ponytail, she looks ready to do some dirty work. Her blue and yellow act eyes look sinister, her two cat tails sway from side to side. I gulp while looking back at her.

"Hello June, how are you feeling~?" Mari asks me in a cutesy tone of voice. "I feel like shit, thanks for asking" I answered sarcastically. I had to lift my head up so I can look at her, but even doing that makes me feel weak. "Oh, so sweet as usual. I have news for you, do you want to hear it?" Mari walks up to the bed as her eyes pierce into my soul. "I got rid of Kirami".

I struggle to break the handcuffs as I yell "NO!! YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" Mari laughs at my heartbreak and says "Its a good thing, for me at least. That means she won't find you anymore" Mari walks to the table filled with knives and picked up one of the small ones. "She is such a beautiful person, an obedient person" She continues to analyze the knife in her hand and looks at me. "She did everything I told her to do because she loved me so much".

"that's not it?" I ask her.She can't be dead, she can't love Mari, can she? She walks up to me and climbs on top of my vulnerable body. "Yes. I asked her to be mine and she agreed without hesitation. She made such a cute face when I told her about you" She glazed the knife against my skin, lightly enough so it doesn't leave a cut. "I told you before June, I'm constantly hungry. I want Kirami's heart, and I'm going to get it." The knife slides down to my thighs and Mari presses the knife deeper, leaving a small cut. A bit of blood drips and Mari licks it with her long tongue.

"She denied me, denied my love. So I had to....punish her." Oh Kirami, she must've been through so much because of Mari.

The feeling of the knife against my skin is not new for me, I just slightly felt the pain of metal pressing against my old wounds. Mari did so much worse things to me, worse than this. Her sucking on the cut felt weird, I felt the blood leaving my thigh and going into her moist mouth. I squirm, trying to get her off of me, but I couldn't.

"Stop...please stop" I beg her. I feel her hot breath against my skin and Mari softly whispers in my ear "Aww, I never thought you would be so cute being under me, begging for me to stop. You should be a bottom more often. Let me take care of you--"

The sound of the door opening again catches Mari off guard, and she turns her head to the door. Standing there is Kirami and another woman that looks exactly like Mari. I can't see them very well because of Mari being on top of me. "What the hell are you doing here? How did you find this place?" Mari climbs off of me and I really get to see Kirami. I began to tear up, I thought she was dead. Her left eye is wrapped in a bandage, her body is thin but she still has some strength in her.

"June!" Kirami runs towards me and embraces me. Mari doesn't pay attention and walks towards the other woman. Me and Kirami cried and hugged each other passionately. "Oh June! My June!" Kirami puts both of her fragile hands on both of my cheeks and I see tears falling off of her beautiful face. "I found you, I finally found you. I'm so sorry I took so long, but I'm here now". Tears are falling off of my face too, I'm so happy that she's okay. She looks at my body and covers her mouth. "W--What did she do to you?" I tell her "Who cares about me?! Are YOU okay?" She laughs and says "I care about you, silly!" She hugs me again and rubs my head.

The other woman throws a key at Kirami and Kirami eagerly gets the handcuffs off of me. When the handcuffs are off, red marks are all that's left. Kirami helps me sit up and holds me. We both look back at Mari and she has a mysterious blade pressing on her neck. Mari struggles to get out of her bondage, but fails.

"Oh dear sister, its time we stop your antics. You've hurt a lot of good people, have you?" The other woman turns to Kirami and asks "Would you like to have the honor of killing her, Kirami? Or should I do it?" Kirami sniffs and says "You can do whatever you want. I'm just happy to have June back".

"Kirami! Please listen to me!" Mari shouts out. "Who--Who do you want to be with? Me or June? She's too weak to be with you, I gave you so much more than what she gave you! Please Kirami, choose me!" It seems like Kirami isn't going to fall for Mari's tricks anymore, I can see it in her face. Maybe there's a chance that she could change, but Kirami made her choice already.

"Margaret, make her go away".

The woman named Margaret lifts the knife and stabs Mari in her heart. Mari screams in pain as blood pours out of her wound....A lot of blood. She then collapses to the ground, bathing in her own puddle of blood. She reaches her hand out to Kirami, wanting to say something, but dies. "That seemed...too simple" I added. Margaret explains that the only way to kill Mari is stab her in her heart like how Mari killed all of her victims and ate their hearts. She's some sort of lust demon, feeding off of beating hearts and getting pleasure off of it. It's sickening.


Mari had to say goodbye to her family, the usual hugs and kisses. I got to know Tommie, He had a huge scar on his neck that Mari scratched. I don't know all of the details, but I guess Kirami will explain it to me. We both have a lot of explaining to do. We were both toyed with by Mari, mostly Kirami did. When she's done saying goodbye to her family, We walked to her Dad's car and we begin to drive off, away from Ninjō. We don't know where where going to go, just far away from here.

I look at Kirami driving and I see an unexplainable look in her face. I can't tell what she's thinking right now, her mind must be swarming with thoughts after what we both went through. Maybe she's wondering if things could've been different. if we didn't get in that car accident, if I didn't die, if we both didn't meet Mari, would things be different?

I look forward, large trees passing by us. I'm just glad we're alive.