Martin Clan

With the creation of Human Alliance, all countries ceased to exist. There was only Earth. 

But for practical purposes, lands had to be named. Of course, the naming post-blink was unique. 

As the technology kicked off, distance of travels increased, but the time decreased. A normal person would travel a thousand miles daily. 

The world truly became a smaller place. 

Thus, each city was massive, easily rivalling the size of a country. 

Even the 10th largest country before blink was composed of at most 50 cities. 

As a whole, Earth had 10,000 cities, big and small. 

The group of cities were called Clusters. There were around 100 clusters on Earth. 

Xanders were the undisputed leaders of Earth. Their influence was etched in every cluster. 

However, there were other powers as well. They wanted to be the local hegemon of their clusters. 

These powers clashed, allied, and fought for the influence.