Aura Well

Varian woke up with a delighted expression. 

The System prompts sounded heavenly. 

[+10 Xp]

[+40 Xp]

[+15 Xp]

[+20 Xp]

[+0 Xp]

Varian was about to pump his fist when he realized he was holding the Suicide Jacket. 

His body stiffened and he hurriedly put it inside the space ring. While he didn't like it much, there was no denying that it helped his Space Path tremendously. 

'Status.' He muttered

[Body Path (Enhanced) Level 5: 10/2000

Space Path Level 3: 80/400

Lightning Path Level 4: 15/1000

Morpher Path Level 3: 100/400

Mind Path Level 1: 100/100]

It was clear at a glance that the most progress was observed in Level 3, followed by Level 4 and then Level 5. 

Barring Mind Path which reached the bottleneck, the other paths followed the pattern. 

This was common for every awakener across all divine paths. The higher the level, the slower the progress.