Roxana's Journal [1]

Day 1:

I don't understand, why am I not talented enough? I reached level 3 at 19 years old!

When I asked my parents, they just said I am too smart and that I should use my talents for research.

No! I don't want to be smart. I don't want to spend my life between these walls. Urgh!

My brother… is talented, he is even the youngest level 9. I love my brother, but I also envy him.

Why can't it be me?

*** *** ***

Day 10:

I tried to escape from the lab. I nearly succeeded if not for that level 8 Space Bastard.

Who does she think she is?

I am Roxana Xander.

I will take my revenge one day.

*** *** ***

Day 50:

I was getting bored, so I started studying a few things. My parents told me I was smart. Smart enough to be considered the 0.01% in the research field.

They were wrong.

I would be in the 0.0001%.

I finished the work of four months in a week. If I am not a genius, who is?