Peak Mortal Strength

Young Varian had been fighting since he could remember. He trained his body, ate the most nutritious food he could afford and never missed a day. 

After Sia awakened, he only increased his training.

He studied the fighting styles of masters across the federation and was slowly forming one of his own.

"Roar!" The Raging lion looked at the two humans and growled.

It was in an artificial field spanning a few dozen miles.

Every day, bots would feed it and conduct a check up on its health.

However, the raging lion didn't like its life at all.

It was living as a show piece.  The whole field was monitored by a security system. If the lion tried to cross the field, it would be electrocuted. It had tried too many times to escape and bitterly learnt the lesson. 

Since the visitors were mainly children, they only watched in from afar. No one ventured inside. Even if they did, they were under the supervision of an awakener.