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Aether Gardens, Psychedelic Region:

Xavier, Rodey and Marcus entered the core region for their final fight in the Aether Garden.

What greeted them was a pristine lake.

They cautiously walked over and looked into the lake.

At its bottom was the flag!

The eyes of the trio lit up and Marcus was about to jump in.

Rodey pulled him back and said. "Xavier, check if there's anything fishy."

Xavier nodded and his brown eyes flashed. After a while, he said with a bewildered expression. "Everything is normal. There are no enemies. Not even an extra mental force."

Marcus and Rodey were also taken back.

Rodey fell into thinking while Marcus simply jumped into the lake and dived in.

"Hey! We still don't know if it's safe!" Rodey yelled. "Come up!"

"Idiot!" Xavier crossed his arms and sneered.

Marcus caught the flag and climbed out of the lake. Waving the flag to the shocked guys, he chuckled. "What do you say now?"