Prince Abrax

Eric thought Rohak would question him about his actions. But he didn't. After dropping him off at his home, he left with a sentence.

"Sovereign Julius doesn't know why you did what you did. But he doesn't want to see things escalate."

"I'll thank him personally." Eric bowed and entered his house.

A desolate home.

There were pictures of him and a little girl over the walls.

Eric looked at the little girl and clenched his fists. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Soon…"

He immediately 'sealed' off his home and entered the basement. A white table sat in the middle of the black-coated basement.

On top of the table laid a red sphere.

Eric controlled his breath and gently tapped it.

With a click, the sphere activated and emitted grey light which slowly morphed into an Abyssal.

"Prince Abrax." Eric greeted politely, withholding his rage.

"Hm. You're that human…Erek?" Prince Abrax tapped the armrest on his throne and yawned.