The Day Before

Varian thought collecting the info from the Uranus cluster cities would be a two day job.

But boy was he wrong.

He got it easy on Valos because Liluh's lies gave away his identity. He got it easy on Orion city because it was plagued with drugs and everyone knew of the four big drug lords.

But then, then it finally hit him.

In a particular city, there was no way to know for sure which power had the role of intelligence gatherer.

In fact, such organizations tend to hide.

Like Grant family, everyone only knew them as famous financial investors.

So, Varian and Boo had to undertake the arduous task of finding clues to which power 'might' be the information gatherers.

It'd typically be a long list complied after an hour of work. Then they'd need to check them one by one.

It was excruciating.

Varian didn't participate in the repetitive task and left it to the expert AI.