A Monster

To be honest, she'd love to see him as a military high general or even Athena commander.

But going by his track record of being a drop-out cadet and a shadow guardian who defied literally every rule written and unwritten, he'd not suit those roles well. Instead of commanding people, he'd likely join the battle himself.

As her thoughts spun, Varian's words snapped her out.

"We can ask her to suppress her tracker so that by the time it functions again, we'd already have reached Pluto," Varian said and then shook his head with a wry smile.

"But if we do that, Enigma will be in a weakened state. Without her strength, the success rate of the mission is too low."

To be honest, Varian had a worst-case option. He could train with Enigma and Blue Flash and take their help to advance. But to reach level 9, even he'd take a lot of time.