The Day Sovereign Julius Was Born

Main Island, Guardian Islands.

A huge palace floated high above the ground. Made of red and white crystals and with white fog under it, it looked like a land of myths.

In the guardian palace, Julius got up from his desk and the ring on his finger shone.

Space twisted and the next moment, he was in a deserted land at the edge of the main island.

'The Resting Abode'

He read the golden signboard and stepped forward. His body easily passed through a transparent barrier and he was standing in front of a grave.

It wasn't here a couple of weeks ago. Julius looked around and noticed that there was only one grave neighboring his son.

"It was you…are you laughing at me, father?" Julius asked with a bitter smile.

Ceaser Xander's grave was spottles and clean. The flowers he presented from last time hadn't withered yet.