Sovereigns' Meet [1]

Sovereigns were busy people. They had to be active round the clock for any mission on any planetoid.

They could be called for a planetoid in the morning. By afternoon, they could be fighting an abyssal squad that broke into humanity's area of control. And at night, they should make time to review the important defense reports and plan for the future.

Despite being the most powerful beings in the solar system, they had their limitations.

The two common limitations that not only them but every awakener faced were space and time.


The solar system was incredibly large. The area occupied by planets was a fraction of the total space.

Navigating such vastness was a herculean feat.

Compared to a space shuttle, Sovereigns were faster but weren't as durable. Despite their overwhelming strength, they simply couldn't maintain such a high speed for a long time.


The federation stretched from mercury to Neptune.