Shadow Guardians [2]: The Recruitments

"I-I don't want him to stay as level 3 all his life." Misha lowered her head and admitted. "He won't amount of anything as a low awakener."

Mathew was listening with a serious expression but her final words cracked him up. "Ha-ahahaha! Won't amount to anything. So, low awakeners don't amount to anything?"

As he repeated her words, his voice started to turn cold. "Dear Sister, do you realize that more than 90% of the society is low awakeners?"

"Sure, in terms of strength, they can't compare to mid and high awakeners. But should a person only measure their self-worth through their strength?

They can be researchers, businessmen, strategists, heck, there are too many things they could contribute in." Mathew's tone was on the verge of rage.

"Forget everything. Did you even ask Barry what he wants to become? Not what you want him to?"