Coming Of Age Ceremony [The Beginning]

Varian landed in a desolate world.

It was a world that lost its life.

It was a world devoid of color.

Green died when the plants went extinct. Red was erased when the last human corpse dried up. Blue was gone when the flesh of the last animal mixed into the soil.

The sun didn't rise. Stars didn't twinkle. So, the moon didn't reflect any light.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Varian walked in the desolate world. With each breath he let out, the light grey soil blew into the air and dispersed like smoke.

"What in the hell is this?" Varian felt a sense of sorrow well up inside him.

As far as the eye could see, there was only an endless grey plain. Not a single plant, tree, or even a mountain.

It was as if the world had crumbled down.

'There is something weird about this place…it is uncomfortable to even breath here.' Varian's mental sense scanned the fifty miles around him.