Varian [5]: A Prayer

Varian looked on nervously as the first match began.He wasn't worried about the two boys that climbed onto the stage, but about the safety mechanisms.'I hope there's no malfunction or she'll be in danger.'Of course, the chances of such a thing happening were close to nill. But still, Varian was worried.{First match! Neil vs Dasl}Neil was a fire awakener while Dasl was a body awakener.As third-year students, they were both at the peak of level 1 and on the verge of reaching level 2.Still, they were only level 1s.So…"Fireball!""Illusory Cicada Steps!"Neil's hands lit up with fireballs and he shot them at Dasl.Dasl on the other hand moved erratically and avoided the fireballs.Pa! Pa! Pa!The white stage now had burnt marks but was otherwise fine."Super fireball!" Neil raised his arms and started accumulating his mana. A huge fireball began to form over his head.Dasl kicked the ground and in an instant, covered the distance between them. Then, he punched Neil with all his strength.