A Compromise

I always thought of myself as a weird girl.

Unlike my peers, I didn't feel any superiority from being born into a wealthy or powerful family.

Since childhood, I felt a sense of weight on my shoulders.


It was an invisible weight that most people failed to see.

But the better off your family, the higher expectations on you typically became.

My father was indeed the Mayor of Eos City. He's the one that brought this city to life.

As his daughter, I was expected to lead the city into greater glory. To take decisions that'd flourish the city even more.

This expectation—this burden wasn't mine.

It was my brother's.

But openly going against our father's wishes, he joined the military.

I was only ten back then. But life was never the same after that day.

My playtimes were cut. I was forced to take more and more study classes.

Business. Economy. Negotiations. Geoeconomics.