Varian's Reputation In Demon Abyss

The journey from Teran City to the Demon Abyss capital was a bit too short.

Varian initially thought they'd be traveling with a space awakener or a spaceship, but it was through an entirely different method.

"Why the surprised face?" Accompanying the ten contestants into the Duke's castle, Angus smiled at Varian.

"…" Varian, as expected, responded with a shrug.

"You really don't speak at all." Angus shook his head in amusement and led them to a secret floor down the castle.

For some reason, Varian felt a sense of deja vu.

It only increased as they passed through black stone corridors, prisons with half-human half-monsters, labs with human scientists, and finally…

"Our space awakeners are all engaged in the frontlines now. It's just for this once, but we're allowed to use the sacred altar."

Varian once again found himself in a room with a strange altar and filled with aura crystals.