Emperor In A Hurry

"Are you kidding? You're about to be coronated? It's time, Your Majesty! Get up and get ready! You can't be absent to your own coronation."

"Sia, five minute please~" Varian rolled over the bed and pulled up the sheets, refusing to open his eyes.

Enigma stared at Varian with exasperation.

Since Sia and Sarah made the rule to not 'meet' him until marriage  it, she had to step in and manage this unruly guy. But who knew he could be this stubborn?

Enigma could see that Varian was genuinely exhausted for some reason. He's totally in sleep and his subconscious treated her as Sia.

'I heard that he put off all official work since two days and has gone somewhere. What did he do to get so tired?' Enigma frowned at his exhausted face and wondered.

She usually saw that look Sarah and Sia after their 'session' with Varian.

'But he wasn't meeting up with Sia and Sarah, so he wasn't doing anything s-sexual.' Enigma blushed before she shot him a glare.