Wedding Preparations

The preparations for the marriage were in full swing. Lord of Barix, Prince Saron, and the delegation were set to arrive in two days.

Before that, the capital city, Hera, the venue of marriage ushered in a rapid beautification.

Every street was painted with gold-coated paint, every tree was given precious potions to grow tall and strong, and all the buildings that were unsightly were demolished and rebuilt.

Entire forests propped up in the morning, a bunch of lakes came up in the afternoon and it was raining flower petals in the evening.

Even the most wealthy people had never such extravagance. They stood on top of their big houses and watched the flower plants and trees in the sky.

They were special floating plants and trees. They were attached to clouds, absorbed the water from them, and shed flower petals regularly.

From the ground, it looked like the clouds were covered by insanely colorful and beautiful flowers.

It was fascinating.