What A Lot Of Powers Can Do [1]

Unlike the solitary tribats, Octavians always lived in groups. These creatures either awakened in gravity paths. 

They lived a bit inside the event horizon, the forbidden boundary after which even light couldn't escape. But through their incredible prowess, they moved in and out of the event horizon.

Even after so many generations, it was a dangerous affair. Every generation would have at least 10% deaths due to being accidentally sucked into blackholes.

But this didn't deter these prideful creatures. Not a single Octavian ever left. The ones that tried were killed to preserve their honor.

As he faced off these mad creatures whose powers varied from low to peak rank 5, Varian found his throat getting parched.

This wasn't going to be eas—

The ten Octavians raised their tentacles in his direction. Ten grey lights began to flicker and grow dangerously bright.