When Pushed Against A Wall

Three days passed since the 'brother-in-law' settled in a luxurious manor.

Without a hint of shame, he extorted his rich neighbors with his background and used that money to go shopping with his wife, the sister of the legendary princess.

That much was still bearable and even expected. But it was unacceptable that he also started taking the silent 'disciple' of the princess on shopping!

His wife was already so beautiful that the most famous beauties of the capital started to avoid the public.

Now, the disciple whose face wasn't seen by anyone yet but from temperament alone must be a great beauty was also being involved with the same man!

Rumors soon spread that this married man was flirting with another woman right in front of his wife.

Soon, furious men and jealous women wrote to the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, calling it a degradation of morals and the collapse of ethics.